My Ebooks: Before the Blockchain

Before I joined Hive and discovered communities like NeedleworkMonday, I published knitting patterns on Smashwords. These patterns are still available, so I offer this blast from the past:

FiberFrau Series on Smashwords

Smashwords is an old but still viable way to self publish. Their site guides you through uploading your ebook and converts it to a variety of formats (EPub, online reading, pdf, etc.) You determine your price and can offer your ebooks for sale through stores such as Barnes and Noble. There are quite a few craft patterns on the site.

I have purchased some entertaining fiction from a varaiety of authors on this site. I also found some gems such as a short ebook on making chain maille. Supporting independent writers is easy, affordable, and fun!

I had once offered patterns as Rav--ry downloads before that website pitched a hissy fit and declared anyone who did not actively hate President Trump was "unsafe" and unwelcome. I offer some single patterns as downloads on Etsy now. Etsy is also political, but it is more subtle and they are not as actively into slandering their customers nor kicking them off the platform. After all, my seller fees are just as profitable to them as anyone else's.

Did I mention some books on the site are free? Well, now you know.



