The Pursuit Of Happiness: What Really Matters In This Life


As I was rounding up my speech at a conference some days ago in a faraway city in the northern part of my state, my phone . Her message was short and straight to the point: "Hello, darling, are you still busy? I want to chat with you now". I wanted to ignore the message, as I was really, really exhausted. But while bowing my head as I took my seat to catch some breath, a word flashed through my mind.

"Don't be so busy pursuing ambition that you don't have time for what really matters in life."

True to it, I have had some moments where I needed to take a break and ask myself if I really know what matters in life, how I am living my life, and if I'm living up to expectations for my family. Making a living seems so paramount, but I must check if I am "too busy making a living without living the life".

For two years now, I have made a lot of changes to my lifestyle. I used to have a stronger passion for outside business than I do for my family business, which has seen me leave home early and return late almost every day. Though that is not a bad thing, but it means I only have less than an hours for my family daily, except on weekends.

Right now, in my new way of life, I have lowered my ambition in building a business empire outside my home. I am getting back to the realms of reality and what really matters in life. I am getting back my voice as a husband and a father. And thankfully, the new way of life has enables me to live with my family in a way that makes it easier for me to spend quality time with my children every day.

I got to see how they play, how they study, and be available to answer their questions, which before now their mother was doing alone. And thank God, for two years now, I haven't been able to focus on my blogging for additional income in addition to our business. And it's so refreshing, to say the least.

Nevertheless, I had to think about whether I was applying the words that flashed through my mind about not wanting to chat with my wife at the moment I received her message. I started thinking about how many nights I returned home after a hard day of work in business, being very exhausted to the point that I was not able to sit together with my family for just five minutes before going to bed. And on most weekends, it's as if I am not there at all, given that I needed to catch up on my studies to prepare for Sunday meetings in the church, follow up on my investment in the crypto world, and also write and publish articles on a few blogging platforms I was using.

I have had some odd jobs in my early days as a family man. I entered the sales business about 9 years ago, and from that time on, I've never had a time away from doing business except for my time in ministry, which is also outside my family. Honestly, I wouldn't want to stop; I enjoy doing business and meeting new people every day. And besides, it also helps me to be able to support others who are in need. My goal was to make an impact in my area of business. Though now I have left the business partially in my wife's care, I am most satisfied with those whom I was able to help and inspire with the business. I know things were not going to be the same from then on, and for that, I had to put more effort into developing my newfound passion for writing from that time on.

But while doing that, I must listen to my convictions to know when and how much time to put into working and that of my family. I want to be there
my children always and listen to their ignorant excuses for not wanting to do a thing. Being with them helps release them from their innocent ignorance. I don't want to look back with regrets about what I failed to do while the children were younger.

Moreover, a word says to enjoy the wife of your youth. The best moments I can have with my woman are in the moment of my youthfulness. There's more strength, there's more vigor, there's more enthusiasm, and there's more fun in youthfulness. Our bond is getting much stronger by the day since I started living by the balance I have created between work and family time. She would not want to miss a moment being with me, and that's exactly how I feel as well. Her message to me that triggered these thoughts lends credence to that fact.

It's kind of silly to know that I have been working but not on what really matters. Now I started setting goals for myself and not allowing myself to be away for so much time in a day. Going out randomly to visit friends has been completely eliminated from my agenda. I have to set boundaries between the most important, the important, and the not-important. Family is the most important, work is important, and random visits by friends are not important.

Though I am a minister of the gospel, it's difficult at times to fellowship together in prayers with family members. Fatigue and other things can come in, so you just feel praying alone is the coolest way to save time for other things. That's not a healthy lifestyle for my type of person. If I am not done with work by the time I have set for the family to meet for night prayers before going to bed, I have to put that work over to the next day. Everyone goes to bed at the same time and wakes at the same time.

It's hard to break those habits that I've had for years, but I'm determined to keep things this way and pay attention to what really matters in life.

Pursuing ambition is not more important than a family. You may succeed in achieving your dreams, but if you fail in your family, your achievements are as good as nothing. You could have all the moneyTyou want, but if you don't spend time with your family or have time for them, you labor for nothing in life. When the money is gone, you will be alone with your family, and remember, you don't get young twice.

I encourage you to start today by giving your family the time they deserve. Never let your work interfere with your family time. Start by next weekend and stick to it. Let your computer and phones rest during dinner, and remember to shut them up to go to bed with your family without opening them till the next day. The midnight alarm can rest, and the emails, SMS, and trading signals can wait until the next day.

The attached image is mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hi! Thanks for posting InLeo

We we doing out reviews and your post shows up as at least 49% AI generated on several detectors. Can you help us understand why? Are you using AI generated content?


So sorry for that, the story is 100% written by me and it's about my life. I guess using quilbot grammar corrector turned some portion of the post to be AI generated. Besides, I doubt if AI can generate an accurate story such as this. I did a check on the original draft I have in my Google doc, it shows 19% AI, I think AI text detectors are not accurate, it can flag original text as AI. I will not use quilbot grammar checker henceforth. Thanks for pointing it out to me.
