How Google doc is aiding my crypto and finance research writing, you too can try it

In today's digitally-driven age, writing has become much more complex due to the fact that every piece of information needs to be fact checked and appropriate references given. This can be more daunting when writing research based cryptocurrency and finance posts. Moving from one site to another in search for the perfect sources for your post information can be a hell of work. However, with Google Docs writing a research based article has become easier. Google Docs has revolutionized the way research based writing can be done, and even much more. This article aims to highlight my experience with Google Docs in my cryptocurrency and finance research writing tasks and how it can be beneficial for you.

The first significant way by which Google Docs aids my research in cryptocurrency and finance is by its collaborative nature. Working as a writer for a publishing platform entails brainstorming, collecting information, forming ideas, conducting surveys, and other tasks that can often require cooperation from multiple parties. With Google Docs, teamwork becomes a breeze. Its real-time collaborating feature allowed me and my team to work on the same document simultaneously, removing the need for constant email exchanges and waiting for edits or suggestions to be incorporated. No matter where my team members are located, we can access the research at any time from any device, without the need for constant downloads and uploads.

The second major advantage of Google Docs is its automatic saving and version history feature. Considering the volatility and unpredictability of the cryptocurrency markets and the continuing financial shifts, writing on these subjects demands constant change and up-to-date information. With Google Docs, updating information has been made easy, and I don't have to worry about losing my work, should there be power outages or computer glitches. If I need to revert to a previous version of the document, Google Docs' detailed revision history has me covered. This feature records changes made to the document along with the time and contributor, hence ensuring no data is lost and making it easier to backtrack if required.

As a researcher, the importance of citing sources correctly in writing cannot be overstated. Google Docs enhances this feature by providing the 'Explore' tool. When writing about cryptocurrency or finance, this tool makes it one-click away to search for articles, scholarly sources, quotes, and images without the need to switch tabs. Once I find a credible source, citing it is straightforward with the citation tool included in the 'Explore' feature.

One integral part of research process is gathering and analyzing data. The 'Google Sheets' within Google Workspace can handle large datasets, calculate complex statistics, and quickly create graphs. This feature can be extremely helpful when dealing with a huge amount of financial data or tracking cryptocurrency movements.

Lastly, Google Docs continues to outshine other platforms with its extensive compatibility with add-ons. These extra features, like Grammarly for grammar checking or Easybib for bibliography creation, ease the writing process, further ensuring the quality of the research.

In conclusion, Google Docs has proved to be a valuable tool for managing my cryptocurrency and finance research writing. It eases collaboration, automatic saves work, facilities citations, and provides enhanced data management with integrative add-ons. If you are looking into delving into the rich, dynamic fields of cryptocurrency and finance, or you're already in the midst of researching in said fields, consider giving Google Docs a try for managing your writing tasks.

The attached images are screenshots from my Google doc workspace.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
