HIVE or LEO, You Are Not Late: The Heroes Journey Starts Now

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Before 2020, I didn't know anything about cryptocurrency. I only have a Pi coin mining app on my device which I really don't understand the technology driving it. It was at the peak of the coronavirus lockdown that my attention was driven to crypto where I heard about Bitcoin for the first time. At that time BTC was still considered a scam on so many mainstream social media platforms. I wondered what the hatred was all about until I did my research and found out that it was a currency created with the ability to dethrone the world central banking system. That was why the governments and their media army could not let it breathe.

At the time, Bitcoin price was just still on the floor like a baby who refused to walk or a fly on the wall that just didn't want to buzz out of the window. Even when its potentials were quite clear that this will be the digital money for the future, not many notable financial institutions care to take a look at those potentials to dive in. It was regarded as a scam and an enemy against the system. "Bitcoin is a pothole to steal people's money" so they said. My curiosity would have me do the technology deep dive about the system that powered this coin. I discovered the real system-changing power of Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies is vested on Bitcoin after reading some groundbreaking article, and the iconic Satoshi bitcoin peer-to-peer white paper.

My thirst for more knowledge made me ramble the internet with crypto blood around my mouth. Finally, something worthwhile has been invented to disrupt the current fading financial system. Bitcoin is a money system for everyone.

I have experienced the odd side of the current banking system, paid off a bank loan debt of $250 in two years. I finally got to pay $520 to close the loan. This experience made me swear never to take a bank loan for anything ever again. Money is at the root of most problems in the world. To change the world the story of money needs to change. Money is an agreement and we can rewrite that agreement to survive in this cruel world. In our current system money can only buy you optionality at best. No! not real freedom in it. All that our central governments in this world care about is their interest.

The crypto revolution is what we have to rewrite the world money agreement but it won’t happen overnight. It will be in phases, and we can’t predict exactly where these great innovations will bring us. The innovations that will change the world's financial climate. We will need patience, even when things don't go the way we want them to be. There are still a lot of years ahead for Bitcoin to fully bloom. There are possible hurdles ahead, but we must keep taking baby steps each time an opportunity comes. Understand these hurdles ahead and take your position on the crypto heroes train.

Hive adoption critical for the hero's journey

What we are seeing on HIVE today is the Concentration of conservative early adopters of the Hive Blockchain. With the activities of inleo especially on Thread, and other developments within the Hive ecosystem, HIVE has left the early adoption phase, climbing the red steep parabolic line to the summit of inflated expectations while the price is making the same erect move up towards $1 and going above.
You are still early, HIVE is just in phase 2 of several phases ahead. I have seen some people getting upset as though they have missed their chances of becoming rich in the last bull run. They felt they didn't come early enough to have benefited much from it. A few others are in regret for their inability to HODL their coins before the bullish run started. However, none of us is late, the HIVE heroes are not yet made. The journey just got started.

Fasten Your Seatbelts $LEO is about to take off

The success of any revolution of money depends on ordinary people joining. Innovation paves the way for ordinary people to use Hive. When ordinary people's lives change, many more people will be attracted to join the train.

We have seen how inleo is changing the lives of ordinary people around the world. The ordinary people joining Hive through the inleo Thread are the start of the early majority of the HIVE/LEO heroes' journey. Millennials would be the greatest number among these heroes in years to come. The majority of these ordinary people are millennials. More so, through the global adoption mission of inleo many more ordinary people will have the freedom to use Hive.

Technological innovations are underway. With the inleo ecosystem being upgraded day after day and many other innovative projects coming on the Hive chain a rising awareness of the freedom in using HIVE/LEO is coming to the crypto space. Through these technological innovations businesses around the world could have an easy entrance joining the Hive blockchain.

Trust the system

On this HIVE/LEO hero's journey trust is required. You must be able to guide your emotions against market circles and volatility. Cryptocurrencies are unpredictable in value, but when you trust the system and understand the process you will be at peace, not afraid of the bear paws.

Even if you are the average joe to crypto you need to know the fundamentals and understand that the journey is to the future. You must not allow the fear of missing out during a bullish run to slap you on the face. Once you have exchanged your HIVE/LEO for Fiat currency it will be very difficult to buy back from now on except you are a crypto trader who stays eyes open all the time watching the market chart. My gist here is to HODL your HIVE/LEO no matter what from now on.

You may think the future we are talking about may never come, if you are thinking crypto you must think forward. HIVE/LEO heroes are not going to be made by traders but by hodlers. Have the faith to trust the process, and keep hodling like a MOFO.

NFA, but to entertain and enlighten the readers.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
