Financial Legacy: The Importance Of Having A Family Business


Not until you have succeeded in building a financial system or channel that doesn't sleep, you don't deserve a day of sleep. There are two types of economy in this world; the one created for you by the government, and the one you created for yourself. Learn how to build one for yourself and watch it flourish with no interference from the government. Every man must have the ability to create something, be it a company, a plan, or a concept.

Now that you are younger, stronger, and energetic, you are free to do the things you want, it is not the time to sleep, yet. Now is the time to get into full gear; start working on what you love and start working on your vision. You don't want to live life and not be able to see your goals come to reality. I am an example of what a man can do when he has a vision.

This year, I have chosen to create a family business, where I would spend most of my time. I know that if I have the opportunity to create the things I want, I will have enough money to meet the needs of the family I already have and the ones I will have in the future. I am already working towards achieving this. I wrote a few days ago about Building courage for a major financial adventure, where I highlighted some challenges I have to surmount in order to be able to start my new busines. Having a family business that can become a stream of income, and help me build something for myself, makes all the difference.

Don't let a lack of money stop you from making your dreams come true. Nothing is too costly in this world, it's you who cannot afford it. If you must, find a way around it, find a way to get your hands on whatever it is you need. Many of you may think you don't have time, but the truth is, you just don't want to make the effort. I am writing to encourage people and to make them want to achieve things in life. I know how you feel, you don't want to do it but you know you should be doing it.

You are not poor, you are only an untrained wealthy man/woman who needs the right information and people around you to help you to achieve the things you want. People make decisions without considering the needs of those who need to be served. The difference between the poor and the rich is only about the understanding of money that both have. The poor save money to solve problems, hence they are never free of problems.

But the rich borrow the money the poor saved in the banks to build a cash flow system that will help them pay for their needs. There is a difference between the poor and the wealthy, the rich have figured out how to make themselves financial channels that never sleep so that they can sleep when they need to. You are in a position to do the same. The decision you make today will change your life forever, change your family's, and change your community's lives. The truth of the matter is that a decision made today will affect your future and you are the only person who can make that decision.

Whenever you see an opportunity that can benefit your life don't think of the money involved to get yourselves into it. Instead, think about the benefits and raise your mental capability which will help you to find a means to raise funds to bring your business into existence. Nobody owns money and everyone has access to it. It only depends on how each of us understands the monetary value of our lives. It is only when you're out of work that you start seeing the importance of having a financial channel that never sleeps which may be too late for you to do by that time.

Nobody owes you anything, except the things you owe yourself. You are your own biggest debtor, you can never offload your debt, you can only forgive it. So, start building something today so that you can afford to sleep tomorrow. Remember you have a responsibility to yourself and your family to save for their future, and the best way to do that is to have a financial system that never sleeps. You must make the best decision now that will benefit them tomorrow, until you do that you don't deserve a day of sleep.

In conclusion, life is about living it in an elegant manner. Nobody wants to get sick, nobody wants to die penniless, nobody wants to retire into poverty, nobody wants to live on a reserve without a house and nobody wants to spend the rest of their life on an empty stomach. There are many people who are caught up in the vicious circle of poverty and there are many more who are struggling in poverty. It is up to us to make a decision today that will help us live a decent life.

It's in your hands to decide to change your destiny today by making a decision to do something that will save you in the future. Sometimes it's hard to see things clearly, we always have to work at it every day to get things right. Every day is a new day, so, the next step is to build your financial system by finding a means to raise funds.

Don't follow a chain of events, the next step is up to you. Every problem that arises from a bad decision is the same problem created from the first bad decision. When you decide to get out of your comfort zone your money flow system will start working properly, then you will start seeing the value of your future and start giving yourself a gift by investing in it. Until you start living your life properly, you don't deserve a day of sleep.

The lead image is mine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
