RE: AI and Programming


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Many of these LLMs' abilities depend on what they have been trained on and how large their language model is. The larger it is, the more resource-intensive it is.

Which model did you use?
I think when you use chatGPT4 Premium it calls on a different (more specialized) LLM to help it with code.

devs are still needed, but AI could become a very strong tool in their hands for the future of code creation, especially for non-critical coding elements!

Generally and in terms of programming I have found out that you get better results, when you give it more context.
If you mock up a function as context and then tell it what you want the function to do, it does a much better job. And you get something that you could integrate much better into your existing design, because it sticks to the same style, etc.

The other day I got stuck at something, and asked chatGPT where the error was and it told me to use deepCopy instead of copy and it worked... That saved me hours of trouble and research... I was on the right track, but misunderstood how copy or assign() worked. It even gave me some explanations and taught me something. It also complimented me, and told me I was doing well. 😅 felt good.

I think current models aren't really good enough to code up an entire app for you, but if you give it a very specific task or problem with enough context it can reliably save you a bunch of time and headache.


Which model did you use?
I think when you use chatGPT4 Premium it calls on a different (more specialized) LLM to help it with code.

I used the free GPT 3.5 version. I'm sure they offer version 4 for premium members. And when it's ready, version 5. Maybe then, version 4 will become free for personal use.

If you mock up a function as context and then tell it what you want the function to do, it does a much better job. And you get something that you could integrate much better into your existing design, because it sticks to the same style, etc.

That's good to know for future interactions I'll have with it. Thanks!

The other day I got stuck at something, and asked chatGPT where the error was and it told me to use deepCopy instead of copy and it worked...

Yep, I heard others using it for debugging too. I've also seen used to ask for ways to optimize a specific code and it gave very good solutions.

It also complimented me, and told me I was doing well. 😅 felt good.

That's a bit scary. 😄 Feels too much like what a human would do.

I think current models aren't really good enough to code up an entire app for you, but if you give it a very specific task or problem with enough context it can reliably save you a bunch of time and headache.

Absolutely! Right now, it's more of a great tool to have and improve productivity, but their evolution is exponential.
