Cringe... Generation Alpha picking fights in social media



Warning: intellectual content under weird title

Generation Z, those born in the late 90s and early 2000s. They've held smartphones in their hands since they were toddlers. The biggest difference from millennials like me, someone who was born between 1981 and 1996, to them is how my generation has experienced the analogue world, while they were entered a reality fully attached to digital chaos straight away. Their lives have been ruled by "the advertising algorithm", which is how we call a profile identification software used to choose what advertisement a person is more likely to click when shown.

But what about those who are teenagers right now? Generation Alpha has it even much worse. I mean, sure, the algorithm is even more accurate now, but that's not what I mean. They are teenagers who have been stuck at home for over two years now because of the pandemic. A kid only gains consciousness around the age of 4 or 5 years old, when they're brain has developed enough to have a functional identity. But that identity is almost blank. What happens when society stops them from growing up as a regular child?

All social necessities are still there, so they look to satisfy those needs in social media and other online apps. In every Facebook group I follow, teenagers brag about what they've just achieved in a game or in whatever app they're into. It backfires more often than not, because those achievements are usually pretty bad, like doing well in a gaming match, but in an incredibly low competitive level. Of course, the rest of the group makes of them. But just now I've realized: that's the alpha generation trying to get some social interaction, acceptance and recognition.

It looks so cringy from where I stand. It's like me bragging in a post about how skilled I was when I won a soccer match - if that match was me versus physically impaired people who don't even know the rules (to be fair, that's how bad I am at soccer). Are you going to celebrate my victory in that post? No, you're either going to make fun of me or you're going to think I'm missing some screws in my brain. Either way, you'll think my post would be cringe.

Most people aren't going to realize it. Heck, for years I've been struggling to understand the differences from my generation to the next. Even though I have a lot more in common with them than the usual millennial, it's hard to make sense of some of their habits. It's just not what I grew up with. Only after I took a deep dive in a couple of podcasts and my own thoughts about generation gaps have I finally began to understand them.

Understanding Zoomers and Alphas is important to me for at least three reasons: 1) I'd like to get along with 22ish old girls if possible (yes that's my number one reason, haha) 2) Business, as I have to personally understand my target audience if I want to sell my pitches. 3) It's hard to make new gaming friends (which are always sparse) when communication always feels awkward.

If you, dear reader, are from Generation X (people born between 1965-1980), please tell me how you've dealt with the culture gap from your generation to mine! If you are a millennial, do you also feel the same way? In case you are a zoomer, what do you think about dating millennials? I don't think any Alphas are going to read this post, but correct me if I'm wrong.

Image source: pixabay

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Since the very end had a bit related to finance, I thought it would be okay. But I understand. I'll take it off right away. EDIT: done.


Glad you could understand it, if you went more in-depth about that business bit, it would have been okay.


I agree, it was petty of me. Thanks for being friendly about it.


Esse tema (das gerações e onde o mundo vai parar em termos sociais e psicológicos) é de extremo interesse para mim. Fico bastante aflito enquanto observo a geração adolescente atual (sou um doomer, nascido em 88, heheh). Vejo muitas vantagens que eles irão ter pela vida moderna e tanto que mudou em termos de educação, cultura e facilidades, mas ao mesmo tempo sinto-me péssimo ao perceber como está sendo as interações sociais e o nível de "autismo subliminar" que estão adquirindo por essa introversão digitalizadora e todo essa redoma digital que os consome. Temo até por minha filha, que com 6 anos quer ter um canal no youtube e simula em brincadeiras um video para os seguidores. Seria engraçado se não fosse trágico haha. Mas tenho esperanças que haverá um equilíbrio ainda, é uma fase brusca de transição que estamos vivendo.

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Eu e você somos millennials! Geração Y.

é uma fase brusca de transição que estamos vivendo.

Chuto que na geração alpha (sua filha) ou na seguinte, começarão a promover unidade familiar novamente, como era com os Boomers. Isso faz uma falta tão grande na estabilidade de vida, tanto econômica quanto social, que o pessoal vai acabar percebendo que tem que arrumar casalzinho pra viver melhor. Se não perceberem sozinhos, serão direcionados a isso de alguma forma. E aí, na geração que vem depois dessa, chegaremos no equivalente a Z novamente.


Também penso que esses comportamentos vem em ondas. É meio que aquele balanço entre um extremo e o outro, o yin e o yang. Então, somos millennials sim, mas comentei Doomer por que existe essas categorias paralelas para definir cada geração: Boomer, Doomer, Bloomer, Zoomer.


As pessoas mais estáveis arranjam um jeito de ter todos esses comportamentos de uma vez só, enquanto a maioria é apenas guiada pela tendência de sua própria geração.

Doomer e Bloomer não conhecia.


If you, dear reader, are a boomer (people born between 1965-1980),

Are you serious?

Here is what wikipedia has to say:

The generation (baby boomers) is generally defined as people born from 1946 to 1964, during the post–World War II baby boom.

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Fixed, edited from boomers to gen x. Thank you.
