Four things to work on for your personal improvement

Hello hivers, its been a while here. I have always come around to check whats going. I hope you all are good. I would like to search some things I have learned over the cause of time.

Four things to work on for your personal improvement

Everyone, in one way or another is battling with their inner self, a battle people can’t see with their bare eyes. We live in a world that improves every day, and we must be ready to grow with the changes. There are certain things men strive for every day and need to overcome to be a better person. A father will have to let go of some things to secure a healthy family, and the same goes for the mother. There are a lot of things one needs to let go of as they grow or learn to control because the days of our youth won’t remain forever.

I will share with you five things you need to work on as you grow for your personal development. First, we will talk about emotions. Three of the strong emotions we need to work on


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Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong. Anger can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how well you control it. A wise man once said:

A decision made when angry will always lead to a bad result.

As an adult or someone who is willing to grow and get a hold of their emotions, your anger management should be top-notch. There are a lot of annoying things and people out there, and if you can’t control your anger, you will always end up in one trouble or another. As a married man or woman, getting angry often leads to a bad marriage and might even lead to the end of the marriage.


Who doesn’t get jealous?

Jealousy generally refers to thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, and concern over a relative lack of possessions or safety. Jealousy can consist of one or more emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness, or disgust. According to wikipedia.

Jealousy is mostly found in kids, and this is because of their age and lack of experience. If this emotion is not dealt with or properly managed at that young age, growing up with it can lead to a catastrophic result. As a growing adult, jealousy can be ignited by other forms of emotion like love, but when it is properly managed, it can be viewed as romantic. When it is not, a person can go from being romantic to being toxic. Jealousy has a lot of emotions embedded in it, which make it a bit difficult to control, but when one has absolute control over it, they become like superhumans. How can you control your jealousy? You need to ask questions and not assume; You need to read books that will help you psychologically; and you need to learn to be content.

Hatred and Love

Hatred and Love are like Yin and Yang. For in every good there is a bad, and in every bad there is a good. No one is born bad or good; before each of these emotions is born, there is a quality of one in another. In love, there is happiness, joy, and other pleasant emotions attached to it, while in hatred, there are many emotions like anger, envy, and many more. There is a popular saying that goes like this:

If your emotions can control you, then anyone can control you with words.

And that is a fact: words beget emotions, and with emotions, one's behavior can be controlled. If you don’t want to be controlled, you need to learn how to control your emotions, especially your love and hatred. Don’t allow what people say about another person to make you hate or love the person. Go closer and learn for yourself if the person needs to be loved or not.



We are what we eat. There is a way what we eat makes us who we are, and there are ways food can control how we behave. One needs to be careful how they eat; you don’t put everything you see into your mouth. To live healthy, one must eat healthy. Fruits and veggies are good for the health; the intake of junk food and fried food should be reduced. If you think it’s a lie, ask a doctor. What we take in per day should be watched carefully. It would be in the best interest of an individual to eat healthy because when the time of sickness comes, getting back to a healthy life will be made easy.
