The Rain Is Here


We wake up with a prayer in our mouths and heart that the rain doesn't fall that day but fortunately, it's another year and the beginning of the rainy season, I mean it is the season, so I can only hope that it tempers justice with mercy while it fulfills its purpose and mission

So I wake up each morning with the thought of how I am going to get through the bath especially if I have an early morning class that can not be skipped and to look for a cloth that will serve two purposes, as protection from the cold weather and not become a problem for me just in case the sun gets to shine.

On the days, the rain meets me in the house, I just have to pray and hope it reduces so I can at least get out of the house, and into the road so I can get transportation I also hope that before I get to my destination, it also reduces, as I have to trek into school.

I know this is just applicable to me and some others who can not save themselves by getting an umbrella for this season for some reasons best known to them as for me, I can not save myself this stress of having to walk under the rain and constantly praying for a miracle during seasons like this because I can not for the love of me have an umbrella, I always end up losing them or misplacing them one way or the other.

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I can't count how many umbrellas I have missed so far, I guess it's just not my thing of having an umbrella of my own because I always lose them inside the transportation or misplace them somewhere I can not remember.

Funny enough, I am always, very conscious of others, if I get to borrow a friend's umbrella or a neighbor's, which I rarely do because I wouldn't want to misplace someone's thing, but with theirs, I am always conscious of keeping it safe and returning it exactly how I got it, in good shape of course.

For the past few days, the rain has wealth with me because I do not have an umbrella and although I am glad I do not have much to protect myself except for my books which are of course inside my bag, I do not have to worry about my hair as I am on a hairstyle that was done with my natural hair, but the constant shivering is getting to me and the constant having to pray and hoping the heavens answers my pray and hold down the rain is another thing.

The constant war going on my mind if to wash my clothes, spread my clothes outside the line for them to dry, or if it was going to rain or not. I mean that's a lot of tasks for just one person and I can not wait for this season to be over so I can get a lot of peace because I do need it.

The rain is here and it is yet to pour down in its full glory but I still want it to end so fast, not because I don't love this season but because I just want to go out knowing I wouldn't have to worry about the weather.



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