the nuts and bolts of my photo shoot

i am not going to beat around the bush here. there was plenty of other stuff which I may post later but for now I will get straight to the nuts and bolts of my photo shoot.

the subjects are old, very old but the photos are all new

if you like rust you are definitely in the right post

except for the intro photo, all of the above snaps are exterior details of doors and hatches of the gunpowder house from 1754. I have previously posted from the interior when it was open for art exhibitions.

the remaining photos are details of the old ship's crane at the canal dock.

i took all these snaps with my Samsung S22. editing has been done on the phone and/or with the free version of photoshop
some of the photos have been slightly stylized especially the last shot with the software on my Samsung S22.
i am not sure whether that qualifies as AI or not. if this is an issue please inform me.


I really like these as an exercise in looking at all the variations in similar objects. The subtle differences in textures, colours and composition makes for a cool set of images…but then I am a sucker for anything weathered.
