rust as art


when i was in leirfjord at the end of august i came upon an unadvertised art exhibition down by the boathouse

it is called rust as art. have a look

the exhibition is an open-air affair, essentially an ongoing process

but it isn't exactly a public event

in fact it hasn't been open for quite some time

but to those with imagination

there are ways of getting in

i guarantee, no one is barred out.

though it may take a while to really get into this kind of thing.

and be warned, once in it can be difficult to get out.

i took these shots on my Samsung S22 phone
they are edited either on the phone itself or in the free version of photoshop or both.

this is the fourteenth post in a series of photos i took in Leirfjord, Norway at the end of August.
links to previous ones:

more to come
