baneful but beautiful


there is no denying that the flowers of Calystegia sepium wild morning glory or hedge bindweed can be beautiful

but if you ever get this vigorous weed in your garden you may never get rid of it. it grows faster than the speed of light and is sufficiently noxious to put you in your grave.

unless you are reckless enough to use copious amounts of glyphosate (not!) it's going to be climbing in your garden no matter how much you try to get rid of it

so you might as well learn to live with it and to the extent possible even occasionally appreciate it.

like when you wake up early and step outside barefoot with coffee cup in hand and you see that summer morning light hitting the freshly opened flowers just right.

No words this time?
No words
No, there are times when nothing can be done
Not this time!
Is it censorship?
Is it censorship?
No, it's evaporation!
No, it's evaporation!
Is this leading somewhere?
Is this going somewhere?
Yes. We're going down the lane!
Into the garden. Into the backyard
We're walking down the driveway!
Are we moving towards...
We're in the backyard
...some transcendental moment?
It's almost light
That's right. That's it!
Are we moving towards
some transcendental moment?

That's right. That's it!
Do you think you'll be able to pull it off?
Do you think you can pull it off?
Yes, it might happen
I'm all ears. I'm all ears

Oh, the morning glory
Oh, the morning glory
Gloria, Gloria
Gloria, ah, ah, ah
Oh, the morning glory...

Morning Glory
Leonard Cohen
