Tower Records- The Record Store I Miss Dearly and my Rising Star Report 8/25/2023


If you grew up in the past 50-years, you remember Tower Records. Tower Records stood for 46-years from the 1960s to 2006, and was a music-lover’s destination. The Tower Records franchise operated in malls and shopping centers around the United States, and was synonymous with “music shop”.

I grew up in the Pacific Northwestern United States, and spent hours in the Tower Records at the mall. A Tower Records was a bustling and entertaining environment. The store was stacked to the brim with vinyl records, tapes, music memorabilia and movies. DVDs and CDs were new, and the “Parental Advisory” label was also novel.

Tower Records introduced me to Blink-182, Rancid, Green Day and a host of classic rock bands as well. There was a community at the store, and the employees were helpful and always open to sharing their passion. I was introduced to the Living Dead and other Bruce Campbell films that were part of the counterculture as well as anime like Akira and Ninja Scroll. Tower was more than just a music store, it was a cultural center for music and art lovers.

Tower Records closed in 2006 due to a number of factors including their debt load. FYE and Sam Goody were stand-ins for Tower, but Tower was incredible. I am a fan of independent record stores, and the community that is fostered there is top notch. The hole that was Tower Records is still there, and streaming is further eroding the independent music store scene. It’s a time I look back on fondly.

My Rising Star Report 8/25/2023:

The Gig Circuit is calling, and I am working to complete missions to advance. I bought 2-NFT packs to shore up my earnings from the faucet. I need to keep focused on consistent faucet claims and music lessons to decrease my ego percentage, which is rising. I am on level 25, and should hit level 26 soon. I

Starbits are the key to the game. I use a portion of the earnings from this post to purchase Starbits so I can advance my NFT collection and subsequent earnings. I also plan on adding Stabits/HIVE to the Tribaldex liquidity pool for more income. Thanks all for your support.


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