Smashed Your 2024 Goals with this 15 Incredible Secrets


You see for most of us 2024 has been a long awaited year, we’ve anticipated long for it and hoped it will dawn on us like a big Metroid from space but just few hours ago just like that I was looking at my watch when the last second of 11:59 turned 00:00:01/01/2024 just like that we’re in 2024 there was no break no pause no time to just you know catch a breath and get ready for the big year and so I asked myself it’s still me no difference so how do I readjust to fit in all my long anticipated plans were and how do I begin all of those huge prospect I had for 2024 it’s time and the clock had already started running

I understand the fact that it’s in us to when beginning something new we have this fresh hope of a better greater higher beginnings but we leave that part to fate hoping some higher spiritual body will workout the miracle in our favor, yah that’s right I’m a believer as well but my kind of believing is different in the sense that it’s more or less a 60-40 or better still say 50-50 bargain, that’s so because I believe in getting whatever I desire done and that can only come true when I put some energy to work

Now after today probably after first week we return to our normal works doing what we have been known to do all these while just that some will choose to up their games employing some strategies, like a head start or a booster to begin on a good note while hoping that all goes well while others will just go on and on leaving it all to fate

There’s a saying that it’s only a foolish man who will do same thing same way and expect a different result meaning it is foolishness if there’s no actual route on ground to effect all those new year resolution and high hopes, big plans for 2024 it’s not something mystical it’s right before you and before anyone knows what is going on we’re down to ember months again, that’s how fast time can run

So therefore the bottom line here is ”get to work” not just mare wishes and guesses but actually effecting those awesome innovative ideas to reality, you see take a survey now around the world about those that actually fulfill up to 80% of their 2023 new year resolution, you will be shocked at the result you will find, I’ll tell you why it’s probably because many unforeseen circumstances prank up along the way men some how the plans were all dropped one after another

Just the other day I saw on the net of a lady who smashed her reading goals for 2023 reading 122books I was wowed at that and can’t imagine the wealth of knowledge at her disposal, now she won’t tell you it was all smooth and rosy doing that, she might have skipped some days and tried catching up and there she was, same thing with me and all of us, if you’ve made up your mind to be that which you have purposes in your heart to be this year run after it like your whole life depend on it, no longer seating on the fence undecided go for it, just know that you will fail a couple of times the reason why people are celebrated at the end of of competition or achievement and they’re applauded us because they endured till the end, is because they never fell short of their expectations even they genuinely had all reason to give up or stop, that’s why phenomenal people are celebrated

What is it going to Ben this year for you it doesn’t just end right there in your papers or journal or diary it goes beyond that you’ve to WORK IT OUT

