
Hello friends, I hope you are well, a pleasure to greet you.

This time I participate with the option number 1, coincidentally today being the day dedicated to the home, encompassing deep cleaning and plants as I usually remove the weeds every fortnight, depending on the weather.

How come?

-If it rains a lot the weeds grow very fast.

-If there is a lot of sun there is a sure drought and it delays the growth of the weeds.

Plants in a home are crucial, as they absorb the bad energies that usually enter our temple, therefore it is necessary to have them and keep them with love.

There are infinite reasons to grow plants, between tastes and colours.

-It is usually for beauty and peace.

-For shade or to produce fruit.

The care we take at home is to pour coffee grounds, potato shells or crushed eggshells into the soil of each plant on a daily basis, allowing them to be strengthened, without forgetting that in the afternoon, once the sun goes down, water is poured on them.

In my case I like to talk to them, telling them that they are beautiful and very big and therefore we are going to beautify them with the nutrients that we put on them.

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In my opinion, they are also sentient beings and are so protective of the house that once something strange arrives, they tend to dry up in the blink of an eye.

From my roots, I have been taught that inside the house it is good to have aloe vera in the living room, a key point at the entrance of the house.

Mystical things right? But very feasible, believe me.

My mother plants ferns, orchids in the courtyard and the odd bush for medicines and consumption for the home whether it be hierba buena, tomato, coriander, mala madre, rosemary, among others.

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Tools used:

-A knife.
-Plastic bags or sausage cans, depending on availability in the household.
-Organic fertiliser.

I only help in its conservation, as not everyone is given the gift of sowing and there are even days of days.

-If it is a lady who plucks a leaf, even if it is a leaf with the period, it tends to dry the plant or the bad vibes generated by the individual.

-If it is a man who plucks a leaf, depending on his state of energy, he usually dries it or thanks it.

Things of life.!!!

To have access to a few centimetres of land is very blessed because it helps us to distract ourselves and to consume our fruits in the Creole way.

It is so interesting to plant seedlings.

If we do not have containers, we look for bags in which we place the soil, which should be loose and permeable, water it and open small holes in it, which according to experts should be approximately four times the size of the seed.

The seed is then placed in the hole and then closed by lightly pressing the soil and watered again, taking care of it daily.

Once it has grown to a large size, it is transplanted.

I hope you have a very productive week.

A hug friends, see you another time.

Use canva and the free translator deelp as my language is Spanish.

