Heavenly change, swearing with the soul.


Happy Sunday, dear community I hope you are having a restful day in every sense of the word, after several days of absence, because I had my father hospitalized in the university hospital Pedro Emilio Carrillo de Valera Edo Trujillo of our beautiful Venezuela, for two reasons:

The main one was that his platelets were low and to stabilise him the specialists decided to give him platelets, but for this they needed 15 donors, because for each platelet there is one donor... A lot of people, right? Moments of anguish and suspense when we see things tightened and finally a previous intervention of a giant stone in the right kidney.

It was the first time in my life that I had to go through such an ordeal, because due to the situation in the country, few people are willing to donate, simply because of the poor nutrition that causes anaemia, the type of blood and the fear factor that each person possesses.

With my heart in my hand I always entrust myself to my saints and with the biblical phrase God said help yourself and I will help you, I give myself and fight to the end, for such an action I choose the OATHING option.

Swearing is a very sacred act, where the heart joins the soul to ask for help to celestial beings that in their time departed from this earth, but its essence walks wherever the faith of the afflicted heart goes.

For me there is no specific place, it is only required to ask whether in your humble home, in a church, in a hospital, in a chapel, wherever we find ourselves and we need to open our hearts to change.

Swearing means that you will no longer do what you did before, whether it was because you misbehaved with your parents, the vice of any drink or drug, envy and bad intentions that reigns in humanity and infinite situations that appear in the world, sooner or later God gives lessons that will make you reflect, and if you don't change it is because there is no remedy.

This last week was one of anguish, late nights, challenges like storms, but sooner or later the sun shines and once my father's values were stabilised, he was operated on and is in full recovery, thanks to God and the blessed hands of the doctors who operated on him.

Excellent care in the area of urology, with a great team of committed and humane people.

I regret to say that there are few people who give us support in difficult times and this is partly due to our behaviour towards them, and it is there that I learned that everything is hand in hand.

Hospitals mark history, between joys and sorrows, seeing the birth and death of our loved ones, two feelings that embrace every heart.

On each floor we meet our holy devotee Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, my little miraculous morenito who has always been there for me. His light is infinite, below, we can see him at the end of the corridor:


Every broken heart that comes to his bedside at any hour or corner will know his request.
Honouring our saints should be done always, not just when we need to because they are always there.

Swearing is a sacred thing not to be taken lightly. Change is part of life and must be done from the deepest part of our being and only those who have truly been in need do it.

I used canva and the free translator deelp as my language is Spanish.

