Ancestral gifts.


Hello family a pleasure to greet you always, wishing you many good things in this new month of September.

In this end, I select the option: You discover that you can talk and understand animals.

Wuao, great starting point in my opinion in this challenge.

Friends, communication with other species is unique, since they tell us so much with their essence, looks and gestures, knowing how to understand, talk and be part of the daily interaction between the high and low of a society, would be unmatched and majestic, from my perspective would come into effect the ancestral gifts that few possess, known in the occult sciences as matters, allowing to feel, express and give life to great historical characters.

When we talk about gifts, many people look at us wrongly, and then the end of comments comes in, without leaving aside the beliefs of various religions, whose point of view is greatly respected. The truth is that everything is possible in this life.

In my case, it would be wonderful to be able to communicate with animals, as they are sensitive, faithful, special beings and a host of macro characteristics, capable of seeing supernatural situations in the blink of an eye and alerting us at all times with their sounds, as in the case of dogs and cats. In every house there must be a small animal, that gives us company when we arrive or when we share an outing, a meal, a bath, among others, they become an extra member.

Moments of joy and sadness, that help us to have a different outlook both for lonely people and families. The transmission of this communication will allow the partial or total elimination of animal abuse, depending on the number of people who have mastered the gift, giving awareness in the way they ask for should be the maximum.

They would narrate, their expectations and why so much harm was done to them and the world would take an extraordinary turn.

So many animals die in such a degrading way, that I can't imagine how much evil there is in the world, pets are so protective, full of indelible feelings no matter how many years of absence, they always remember their owners with love, they are more grateful than a person.

For me it would be an honour, to be part of such a story, allowing to improve the world. Long live the animals.

Good topic friend @galenpk, blessings to all.

I used canva and the free translator deelp as my language is Spanish.

