RE: Life Update: Unwanted Transitioning

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Hello @josediccus and my blessings to you from Venezuela.
I am a doctor and I think I understand that you could be facing a clinical depression, so I would like to ask you to consider being evaluated with great respect by a health professional.
Logically, the losses you are talking about are very strong and painful, and always have a consequence of intense sadness, but it is always good to be evaluated medically before these, because we do not know if they could intensify.
It is not a cliché to tell you that everything passes; but yes, it is like that; although how close we are to the events can be a problem for the intensity of the emotions to go down; but it is good, at least to know that, little by little, these intensities of emotional pain will go down.
Here are many of us, willing to read you, to understand you and to accompany you in this, at least through the #hive platform.
Remember that, at the end of the day, we are all one big family that supports and reads each other.
Receive a big hug from me.


The health care system here is poor. I recently got a private hematologist who is mainly money driven. So I have been evaluated, the problem is, I haven't gotten appropriate medical care. It's just diagnosis with nothing concrete. The general hospital won't do anything. They prefer if you're at the point of death before they offer any real treatment.
I know what I'm going through and it's not just clinical depression. It's the pain of not getting appropriate treatment in the private and public sector I've consulted.


José, @josediccus, there are phrases in your publication that alert me.
I don't know if you could get a drug that is just brain food or precursor of brain substances that improve affect and help you think well about emotions called Sertraline or Mirtazapine. In many countries it is sold in pharmacies without any medical indication...
These brain vitamins, so to speak, are very good for improving mood. They are not miraculous because losses have to be lived and faced; but they help to improve the way of facing and understanding them.


Thank you for the concern and care. Haven't heard of such medications ever, but I'm definitely going to look them up. Medications are good, and to be honest, I'd kill for one that will relax the mind irrespective. Irrespective of everything, I still need to handle or tackle my typical health issues firstly, I mean, I'll have to eventually have to tackle them to know where I currently stand and going forward.


I hope you can get it and get a specialized health guide; we are far away.
Always the concern for the brothers who navigate in #hive should be part of our interactions, and I see it a lot around here.
We are at your service my friend; I send you my blessings; and you are commenting to update me on how you are doing @josediccus
