Coffee or Tea




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This is my entry for this week's #ecencydiscord topic, coffee or tea? If I were to choose I prefer tea, because I actually grew up to take tea, my parents or any of my folks have never offered me coffee and I didn't really try to taste it on my own, maybe I will try someday, tea is not regular for all of us but I like it and I take it when I want to even if others say no.

Breakfast is very important, I don't skip it, in the past I suffered health issues due to me skipping meals,now that I have learnt my lessons 😊, I just make sure I take something as early as possible,even when am confused and tired of eating the same meal over and over, tea is just easy and I like the aroma, very calming and it awakens my body especially this raining season when there is frequent occurrence of cold, I get affected with cold and once I take hot tea, I get warm and feel better.

My dad who loves more of solid food, anytime he gets sick, the only thing he could take is tea with lipton and some slices of bread,this shows the positive effect it has on health,when he takes tea he doesn't feel the nausea he feels with other meal and allows him to have apppetite.

Staying with my sis now,her husband loves when beverages are at home, milo and milk. What we Nigerians refer to as 'tea' are cocoa beverages which is more common and popular and there are so many varieties in the market. If I don't see 'milo' I use 'bournvita', and we take early in the morning always with bread

The ritual of preparing and drinking tea is lovely to me.

Thanks to @mypathtofire for wonderful topics every week


That was a little lovely story to read, but why would not you take a dozen of your own photos?.. that would be awesome, and probably would bring your post more rewards.... maybe... 😥


I think I will make more photos of my activities. Thanks so much for the encouragement and beautiful comments.
