Food that Reminds me of Home

There are aromas and foods that remind us of places, people, special moments in our lives.

You can identify that seasoning in food, that special touch that has for example your mother, your grandmother, those people who prepare a dish of food with love.

This week's Writing Contest theme brings us back to remembering those special details, an opportunity to share what some meals mean.

This round topic is 👇

✏️ Food reminds you most of home

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There are foods that are part of our history, they accompany us all our lives, in my personal case it is the Arepa, a rich food that accompanied with cheese, stews is the special companion.

Arepas are my breakfast, dinner every day, it is not easy to get bored of them, since I can remember my mother made them for her children every morning and every afternoon. It is a delicious dish and much richer when you add sauces and meats.


Image on Pixabay by Mapricor

A stuffed arepa is that dish that reminds me of my day to day life, my home, my family.

There are many dishes that stand out in the family, holidays, Christmas, however there are some that are your favorites.

My children like to eat them with cheese, my husband likes them with coffee and coffee with milk, sweet or salty, it is a delight that I recommend with eyes closed.

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Imagen en pixabay - autor- autor


Imagen en pixabay -autor


Imagen en pixabay - autor


Imagen en pixabay -

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In homes, food is prepared with love, a simple meal can become the favorite food, wherever you go, wherever you are in the world its aroma, preparation reminds you of your home, of a special day and what about our childhood, grandma's cookies with chocolate, my mother's hallacas stew.


Imagen en pixabay de Rita

A meal becomes special not only for its flavor, a mother has a unique touch in her meals, I remember that every December my grandmother was the one who prepared the stews for the hallacas, the traditional dish, She knew how to prepare her stews so that they would get into our palate, that flavor is indelible, eating a similar one always reminds me of my grandmother.

Meals are special, they take you to the present, past, they connect us to stories, memories, people, places, especially to days at home.

HThere are meals that remind you of the weekends, because they are days to share with the family, at home every Sunday soup with meat is necessary, to think of Sundays is to think of Meat Soup, since this is the only day of the week in which this meal is made.

Most of the families in my country Venezuela have this tradition, Sundays are for making soup, also if you name an outing to the river you are also talking about soup, time with family and friends.

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Imagen en pixabay de Kaufdex

¡Viva la arepa, Viva Venezuela!

🌼Arepa stuffed perfection and flavor in one dish, a dish that unites us as a people, culture, reminds me of my home, because to speak of arepa is to speak of a beautiful country my beloved Venezuela.😋

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Of all the foods the stuffed Arepa is the food that reminds me of home, family time, beautiful memories go through my mind, those days when I lived with my mother and she cooked every morning some delicious arepas.

Fried or roasted, sweet or salty, stuffed with cheese, meat, accompanied with sauces, salads is the best of the best, I love arepas, I grew up eating arepas and I will continue to enjoy them as long as I have life and health.

I hope this content on the theme of the week is enjoyable for all of you, I w you a nice day eating your favorite dish at home, and

¿already tried the stuffed arepa from Venezuela?. 😋🍽

🍽[Writing Contest] Food reminds you most of home

🍽Cover image from pixabay edited through Canva free version by @elisaday7

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Amazing collection of food pictures! Obviously there is a difference between a mothers and someone else. Everyone finds their mother cooking really tasty foods which is finger licking. I also love the way my mom cooks and no one else can satisfy my tummy unless it’s something she has cooked.

Great post thanks for sharing 🤗



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