My best quotes.



Hi guys, welcome to my wonderful blog, greetings to all, how una dey, hope una dey fine and good, its your boy @edwincj, and I am here to my talk on this weeks most wonderful topic which says " Choose a meaningful quote that has inspired you or resonated with you recently. Explain why this quote speaks to you, how it relates to your life or believes, and share a personal experience or reflection that illustrate its significant ".
Even though I am a little boy and also a newbie here on hive, i have some little quotes that I use to encourage and uplift my spirit anytime I'm down or discouraged.
Some of this quote are are for those who have mistakes and thinks they will always make mistakes, while some of them are for the discouraged.
I know that no one is above mistake, and you can not be perfect at everything, but you can adjust the way you make mistakes and learn from others mistake to correct the one you are about to make, you know as they say " Experience is the best teacher ".
The most effective way to learn is by using this quote " Experience is the best teacher ", but sometimes I prefer to use it like this " Learn From others mistakes, you mustn't make one before learning ". Experience is the best teacher but the way to get experience is through making mistakes and learning from others mistake, so you choose one.
As for me, I usually make mistakes a lot and it discourages me, most time I feel like I would always make mistakes, but I always encourage myself with this my beat qoute " Experience is the best teacher, and you can only get experience by making mistakes or learning from others mistake ", so anytime I make mistakes, I will just see it as an opportunity to get experience in other not to make that mistake again, and it really works out for me.
Some people may feel downgraded, because they are the only ones making mistakes, but they shouldn't forget that even those ones who doesn't make mistakes, where ones making mistakes. So you can get to that stage if you aspire for it.
Don't give up, it is not over till its over, so don't loose hope.
I also use to make mistakes in my working place, but I would just simply learn from my mistakes and adjust not to make those mistakes anymore, and it helps me a lot, even when I'm been correled
Don't forget that Experience is the best teacher and can guide you in whatever you do. It has helped me in different circumstances and am sure that it would still help me as far as I apply it in my daily life.
Thanks to all, for visiting my blog, have a nice week full of blessing and experience, so to help you achieve your dreams and goals. Thanks also to the @hivenaija community for allowing me to express my feelings.


Mistakes are part of our lives, they are meant to help us get better but a lot of people see it as they dead end. They give up because people laugh at their mistakes.

A lot of inventions weren't achieved at one attempt, people tried several times and avoided the previous mistakes.

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