Week 200 - The search for security in a difficult escape from insecurity... how do I feel about it?

Hello friends of the community ❤️ I wish a happy Saturday to all who read me, I invite you to know a little about a new weekly theme from my opinion and point of view, one that is more interesting than the previous one, or at least the option I chose totally takes me out of my comfort zone, and you will see that later with the following question:

❤️What makes you feel insecure and why? What makes you feel confident and why?❤️

I think it's hard to find someone without insecurities, and obviously I'm not the exception, uff.... I would love to tell them all (or none 😅), but I will take this initiative as if it were a kind of diary, because I sincerely believe that I would only talk about this with myself, just as I am doing it through writing, a super effective way to vent or in this case, to confess all those things that cause me insecurities, as well as the securities and how I feel about dealing with it, especially when we think about the society we live in today. That's why I think that fixing them with myself is a good option, in the end, only I decide what to do and what not to do with my life and how it affects me.

I think my answer I will share it also with the majority of women where their body causes them insecurity, either by not having the same physical stereotypes of famous models or artists with perfect measurements, as well as bad comments that certainly make us feel less, that there is something wrong with us or not as it should be, and there inevitably, along with a lot of emotions, insecurities arrive making that imaginary bar of self-esteem go down little by little, which in turn could also cause serious consequences if something is not done about it, such as seeking specialized help, to make us understand that we are perfect as we are, and that if we really want to see a physical change, we must start by fixing our interior, and if we are fine on that part, we will surely project it with the exterior.

Gaining confidence, especially because of the way I am, has cost me a little, influenced by the fact that during my growth and development, I have not been surrounded by people with the best tact, making comments that to date I do not know if they did it with or without bad intentions, but in the end, the point is that they affected me anyway. My time as a student had its good and bad things, as something normal, but I also remember those bad moments where certain actions of others towards me caused me many insecurities, one day I decided to ignore them because I did not want to give them an importance they did not have or rather did not deserve, or at least that my welfare would not be affected. Obviously the process was not easy, even today in my adulthood stage it still is, but something I will never forget and I will try to do to gain and maintain my security is to put myself first before anything else, and if something external affects me, I move away from it, now, if there is something I can change in me to help strengthen those securities or what I believe are my skills and strengths, it is also a good idea, that's what I do and I highly recommend it to anyone who needs it and see it 😊.

I hope you liked this little story in my participation in the round number #200, if you want you can share your story too. See you in a next time, happy new year and happy weekend!!!💕.

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majority of women where their body causes them insecurity,

Yes I feel this is kind of true which is why some people go on crazy diets or do surgery etc. Anyways i think a problem is that woman are trying to compare to others on what is a "perfect body" I don't think there's such a thing but I feel all that doesn't matter as long as you are healthy. That's the true perfect O.O because you will be able to live life without any sickness etc.

And it's ok you're not alone I feel everyone is insecure about something even me :')


That's what I mean, before I also thought so until I decided to change for me and what made me happy ... because living trying to seek perfection is not life :,). Thank you very much for contributing a little bit more to my post, nice to greet you and greetings to you too!!!


That's good that you changed and happy now 🤩. Yes it really isn't life to seek perfection because everyone has their own idea of that. We just need to meet our own goals and happiness and I feel that is the perfection in life. Doing what we love, spending time with people we love, helping the world become better. This is the way to go 🤩.

You're welcome I always try to comment on posts when I have the time. It's also good to read other people's perspectives maybe even learn something new out of it.


Wow what amazing advice...I think only two people have ever said something like that to me in my life. Thank you very much to you my friend, greetings and have a happy day!


o.o really only two people? D: where are all the good people in your life omg


Perfection in itself does not exist, sometimes 'advertising' deceives us, the best thing is to be healthy and live without listening to so many voices around us. Happy weekend


Eres muy linda amiga....a veces las personas nos hacen comentarios sin saber el efecto tan negativo que ocasiona en otra persona
