Week 199 - To be or not to be a persistent person

Hello friends of the community ❤️ I wish a happy Saturday to all who read me, I invite you to know a little about a new weekly theme from my opinion and point of view, most of them I like to lean towards themes of reflection and life lessons. This time will not be the exception since it is our turn to talk about tenacity, and the truth is that I had to look for the meaning first to be more sure when answering, and after knowing what it is about, well that and a little more I will share with the following question:

❤️Tenacity - Do you have it? If you think you do, explain why giving examples❤️

When I read this question immediately came to my mind the phrase "I do not stop until I get what I want", "I am persistent and I do not stop until the end", because just that means to be tenacious, to be persistent when we have a goal in sight, and not stop until we get it, no matter how difficult or complicated it is, and there is the question or dilemma...am I a tenacious person or not, and in my experience I think I am, especially when something interests me.

In matters of self-improvement or any activity that will bring me some benefit, I like to be persistent, and if this does not come out the first time, much more ... perhaps because perfectionism does not let me 😅. When I set myself as a challenge to improve in drawing, I am so persistent and I don't stop trying until at least I see an improvement or progress, and that at the same time fills me with a lot of satisfaction, maybe also because of the effort it takes me to achieve it.

Lately when it comes to learning a skill, I also like to try and practice constantly and at my own pace, without rushing things but also trying not to give up, because it also happens to me that when I want to do something and finish it in a second, I run the risk of getting tired halfway and give up, and the joke is to do the opposite, and as I know that this goal is more long term, I try to maintain tenacity, at my own pace and focused on what I want to achieve ... thinking about how sweet it is to reach my goal.

I hope you liked this little story in my participation in the round number #199, if you want you can share your story too. See you in a next time, happy new year and happy weekend!!!💕.

  • All content is my own and images are my property

  • Camera: Redmi note 10s

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