Week 192 - What bothers me about society and why?

Hello friends of the community ❤️ I wish you a happy Sunday and happy weekend to all who read and visit me on this occasion, today I return to share my participation to a new topic, a bit controversial for some but if we think about it and take it to reality is something very common today and that comes from years ago, times where the pressure to be and do such things pursue us as we grow up. So today that and a little more I will answer the following question:

Is there something currently popular in society that really annoys you? What is it and why does it annoy you?

I could not say that it bothers me because you can not change people as they are, but when you see yourself in a similar situation, if you come to discomfort certain types of comments, and this I put in my example and what I have lived throughout my 26 years, more specifically in the sentimental part, the fact that to certain, curious and mostly in women, we must have a partner and children, or even a professional career already established, and the truth is that this type of pressure does not do us any good those who still seek that stability or simply do not want it at the moment.

I also know that saying that this bothers me about society is something that will not bring me anything in the end, because people in society are the way they are according to their customs or beliefs, most of them are older people, and I emphasize this because I have just received the comments from them, and out of respect I just smile, and continue, but deep down it creates insecurity and anxiety, even doubting if I am really doing things right, I am making bad decisions to have that life that they talk to me or maybe there is something wrong with me for not wanting to do it at that time. I do not know, and I think that situation where I see myself in that little crisis that creates me that kind of comments is what makes me upset, although over the years I have also learned to ignore and to know that they do not live my life and do not know what will make me really happy, in my time at my pace and not for what others want.

I hope you liked this little story in my participation in round number #192, if you want you can share your story too. See you soon in a next time, happy new year and happy weekend!!!💕.

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