Week 190 - A new life in Australia, a radical change but one that I will never regret

Hello friends of the community ❤️ I wish you a happy Saturday and happy weekend to all of you who read and visit me on this occasion, today I return to share my participation to a new theme related to the weekend, and this has something very particular because in Australia is celebrated Australia Day, a day in which the natives celebrate it by performing the most typical and traditional activities, including going to the beach and barbecue. In this round we are asked to imagine that we are part of this celebration and leaves us to creativity about what we would do in different situations and I chose to travel and why not ... move for a while to this place that for me would be a real challenge because I would be in an environment totally opposite to mine, although as I read, Australia is a country that has different seasons or seasons, basically has everything in one, and it depends on the tourist, which is my case, adapt or get to a suitable place to go acclimatizing and accustom the body to another type of environment. So today that and a little more I will answer the following question:

Do you think you would like to live in Australia? If yes, why? If not, why not?

I would like to live there or at least spend a good time there, obviously yes, everything that has to do with traveling outside my country and knowing new places I love, in fact I hope someday to do it, but first I would like to prepare myself in terms of language to not feel lost or with the helplessness of not knowing how to express myself with the natives there. According to my research, Australia has a lot to offer in terms of paradisiacal places, its beautiful beaches above all is what attracts me the most, and although here in my country, especially in the area where I live, we also have many coasts and the sea very close, it never compares with the wonders of a place far away from yours, it will never be the same.

I've always loved the idea of going somewhere, and just with this topic, after doing a long research about Australia I don't dislike to start there 😁, to have the opportunity to know closely the kangaroos and koalas, to travel in another type of transport like a train and to know every characteristic corner that represents part of its history.

If I were to travel or in this case move and live for a while in Australia I would like to do it accompanied, since I don't think I would be able to find myself in a completely new place, different and far away from mine, a place that in my opinion is ideal for new beginnings, or at least that's what I see in the photos and videos, and in person I can't imagine the peace that it must feel to be surrounded by all this nature that can be seen in much of its territory, no doubt for me it would be a radical change, but it will be one that I will never regret.

I hope you liked this little story in my participation in round number #190, if you want you can share your story too. See you soon in a next time, happy new year and happy weekend!!!💕.

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