HBD Backed EDS tokens | EDSD Weekly Updates and Charts #05

Hello and welcome to this weeks EDSD post.



What are EDSD tokens?

EDSD @eds-d are the last to be released token from @eddie-earner because now all 500k EDS are allocated. Some will be aware that I have been itching to release an HBD-backed token for EDS for a long time but I could never think of a good model. I was thinking how can EDSD compete with the 20% APY being offered for saving HBD currently? This was the wrong way of thinking, let me explain.

I am aware that there is a demand for EDS tokens because they have a small mintage and pay out a handsome HIVE income equal to over 25% APY. We seen from @eds-vote that investors were happy to split rewards and receive 50% of the curation rewards as EDS with the other 50% being powered up to @eddie-earner which increases the EDS HIVE income pool. Win/win. EDSD is based on this model.


EDSD tokens are equal to a HBD Bond that you buy, hold a long time, get a yield and when you want your HBD back, you convert your EDSD back into HBD. All HBD collected from issuing EDSD is added to the @eds-d saving wallet. 100% of the interest earned is converted to HIVE with 50% used to mint and issue EDS at the value of 1 HIVE each to EDSD token holders and the remaining 50% being powered up to @eddie-earner. Basically, 100% is powered up and we issue EDS rewards on half the amount powered up.

After you exit, assuming you stacked your EDS, you will have an HIVE income for life or at least as long as mine, (38). The longer and more EDSD you hold, the more EDS you will get and the higher your HIVE income will be. Pretty simple, buy it and forget about it. EDSD will not last forever as they have a set amount of EDS allocated to them and when the allocation is done, EDSD will either wrap up or introduce another reward. We're talking a few years, not a few months.

For full information about EDSD and FAQ's, please click below



Week 4s Update

Get ready to embark on another rollercoaster ride through the wild and wonderful world of EDSD with our Weekly Report. This edition is juicier than a pineapple at a tropical crypto party, price shenanigans, and tech breakthroughs that even Elon would raise an eyebrow at. Let's get into it.


Look at how consistent that growth is 🚀. Let's keep it going and we'll soon be a top 100 HBD account. If you a daily poster, your getting HBD every day and it's pretty easy to set up a recurring payment to automatically save for you each day are every 2-3 days are once a week. Saving little and often add up big time and you'll be earning sought-after EDS. People dont take advantage of recurring payments and they are an amazing feature very unique to HIVE.

We finish the week with a HBD balance of 4005, nice to get over the 4k mark, 5k is think. How long will it take us? I guess under 3 months.


You can see from the blue line HBD interest has been increasing each week as people buy in for more EDSD and the red shows the amount of HIVE we got for that amount of HBD. So this week, we earned 15.35 HBD from interest and that converted into 51.43 HIVE.

You not be aware, but the HBD interest rate dropped to 19% yesterday and this will affect the amount of HBD interest we earn. This weeks interest is based on 20% but from next week onwards until the interest rate changes again, it'll be 19%.

I thought 1%, no biggie but after looking at it, its more than i thought. This week at 20%, interest was 15.35. If interest were 19% this week, this amount would have been 14.59. Yeah, it's 5% I know, 5% drop sounds ok but seeing it in numbers makes it look bigger. 🤣

Anyway, my point is we might see a dip in the blue line next week, I mean we will see a dip, no point sugar-coating it. It'll be cause the HBD interest APY has dropped from 20% down to 19% and not because people are cashing out. It's too early to cash anyways, we're only getting started still.


We had a good week for minting EDS tokens, the best week so far as we minted over 25. It is still small potatoes and it might stay this way but EDS has a nice HBD project under its belt, not many others dabble with HBD-focused tokens but we like a challenge.

I'll never quit shilling this until we're minting 100 EDS a week. This would require a 16k HBD balance at current HIVE/USD ratios so a little out of reach at the minute. We'll get there small chunks at a time, 100 HBD at a time until we're minting 100 EDS tokens per week. Might take 15 years but whatever, I've nothing else planned.

For real, being only 5 weeks old and minting 25 a week already is pretty epic. Thats still over 1200 a year and like said above, it'll probally grow over time as eds-vote did. EDSD in terms of ROI is 2.5x better than eds-vote, just saying. Both are great of course but one yields why more EDS per $ amount.


Investors' Path Start to Finish

  • Send any amount of HBD to @eds-d
  • Set up a HBD recurring payment to @eds-d (for Saturday Savers 🤑)
  • Receive EDSD in your hive-engine wallet a few moments later
  • Hold EDSD to receive weekly EDS rewards each Monday

To exit

  • Request cash out in the weekly EDSD post
  • Send your EDSD tokens to @eds-d
  • Receive your HBD back after 3-4 days



EDS Rewards paid out each Tuesday

Thank you for checking out this week's report and staying up to date with your EDSD holding. Have a great week, feedback, comments and questions are welcome below. See you next week with the next report and may your bags pump!!


🌄 Good morning (here)! ☕

On this ...

"... it's pretty easy to set up a recurring payment to automatically save for you each day are every 2-3 days are once a week. Saving little and often add up big time ..."

... can you confirm that HBD Savings performs its interest calculations daily? Which I assume is the point you are making for us all here? I do not know where to even begin to look for confirmation of that, although I am sure it is ... "somewhere around here" ...

If confirmed, as you have a better financial mind than mine, I have simply been investing all of my HBD from payouts right into either savings or EDSD, rather than "trickle it in," over time.

Am I missing something?



Its weekly. I do it on Tuesday mornings. So if 1 person buys 10 EDSD on a Wednesday and another person buys 10 EDSD on a Monday, they both receive the same amount of EDS on the Tuesday. This costs EDS a few HBD each week but we have a 500 HBD float. So from that, I can say that the best day to buy EDSD for EDS is Tuesday afternoon and the worst time is Monday evening. Someone buying on a Monday will be holding for 1 day and receive a week of rewards and this is why it costs a few HBD each week from the float. This is only for the first week as well. It is a small cost to pay to keep operations simple. Fewer gears = Less things to go wrong.

You're not missing anything. Was not trying to make that point, I was just shilling



Greetings my friend @eddie-earner, I am very happy that the objectives proposed with this investment and savings plan are going well, as expected.

I am new to the community and I am trying to understand how this new token works, please correct me if I am wrong.

As an investor I buy the EDSD token, the HBD you get for it you send it to savings and HBD you get from interest is converted to HIVE for investor rewards?

Please excuse my ignorance, I am just trying to understand how it works.


Welcome, thank you for the nice comment.

You missed 1 thing at the end. The HBD interest is all converted to HIVE but after that, it is split into 2 parts. 505 of the HIVE is used to mint EDS tokens at a value of 1 HIVE each and the other 50% is powered up to the @eddie-earner account. Effectively all the HIVE is powered up which increases the weekly EDS HIVE income pool.


The EDS income pool is equal to a 12% APY of the @eddie-earner HIVE POWER balance so the more HIVE we power up the higher the HIVE income pool will be each week.

You can check this post out for more information


Greetings friend, thank you for your kind reply, this helps me to understand how it works. For now I am only participating with the 365 days challenge, but as I progress I will surely invest in the EDS tokens.

Let's go for more!


Nice!! Good explanation 🙌🏼

EDSD tokens aren’t an easy thing to wrap ones head around when you haven’t come across them before… so, appreciate the overview @eddie-earner.

Time to invest!
