EDSvote update #54 | We've smashed all our ATH's this week!


Welcome all to this week's EDSvote update where we look at a range of different things. Please follow the @eddie-earner account to make sure all our reports are going into your feed and you can easily stay updated on your investment.


What is EDSvote?
Eds-vote is an account that people can delegate HIVE POWER to. In return for their delegation, they will receive EDS tokens each Monday.

The delegated HP will be used to curate content on HIVE and provide small upvotes for those that hold over 100 EDS tokens. Delegating HIVE POWER to @eds-vote will not result in an upvote. This is not a delegation to upvote service. It is a way to distribute the remaining reallocated EDS into circulation.

What are EDS tokens?
EDS tokens are HIVE income tokens that are pegged and backed to 1 HIVE each. They pay out weekly dividends every Monday based on 12% of the total powered-up HIVE balance of the @eddie-earner account. This is currently paying out an APY to token holders of roughly 35%.

How does it work?



For full details, please see How EDSvote works and How EDSvote affects the EDS APY long over the next 25 years


Report #54


Let's have a look at the numbers in chart form as this is the best way to see performance and predict the future.


This is starting to get crazy people, our growth over the past 3 weeks has been insane. We're marked down for 284k incoming HP but today we've currently 290k HP and at this rate we'll be over 300k in another week are two. If that happens, we have 9k of growth locked in a year from HP inflation. A few delegators remove this earned inflation because they are upvote whores but most dont. I dont really care that much, its a joke and jab.

Thank you to everyone thats making this happen.


Ok, we are back to some sort of normality this week. Last week I said the curation APY would land between 7-8% and it did at 7.77%. Hopefully, we'll be back to over 8% for next week and then stabilize again.


So curation rewards are up some this week as you can see in the chart above and better yet, next week will be better again. We earned 424 HP from curating. It took us 3 months to crack earning 100 HP per week and we've nearly 4x that in 9 months. We can be earning 1000 HP per week in a years time?


Big curation rewards mean big EDS mintages and what started out as something to aid SPI miners with EDS distribution is turning into something that could someday mint more EDS then EDS miners.

The whole EDS project has been like that from my POV. EDS was launched to be a micro project but has grown bigger and faster than I thought and the same is happening with @eds-vote.

So we 212 EDS which is incredible, if we can keep this up that will be 11k EDS per year.



It's been crazy the past 3 weeks and the whole project is growing out nicely. We're getting lots of new support and current delegators upping their amounts.

I think we will let @eds-vote cook for a while and not change anything, we have a good momentum going here and I dont wanna disturb that.

We're killing it!


Thank you for taking the time to read through this
If you have any questions are would like to leave some feedback, please do so below and I'll get back to you at some point soon.


Hey, I am going to write about my Weekly Hive Goals , should write in Saturday Savers?


Yes, please link your post to the Saturday Savers Club post on Saturday 😍


I like the project very much myself and will definitely delegate HP it one day and get this coin.


This project looks very promising, will delegate some HP.
