My plans for splinterlands


I have been thinking about how to invest in the splinterlands project just because of the uncertainty around the game. Most times, certainty is just an opportunity because many people will stay, and it is a two-way road. You might stay and sink with the ship, and you might go and escape a terrible fall. You just have to choose how you want to die, but this one, I choose to stay.

I stopped playing this game due to the constant pressure on players to keep investing to stay relevant. However, there are currently many opportunities available due to the uncertainty surrounding the game caused by other players selling their assets. While some may see it as a risky move to invest at this time, I believe it presents a good opportunity.

The Hive community has been a standout aspect of the platform, keeping projects alive that may have otherwise died out. The community-driven nature, geared toward the less fortunate, has encouraged people to remain dedicated to the game despite any uncertainties. This dedication is what convinces me to invest in the game. Even if things become uncertain, I believe the community will remain steadfast and the game will ultimately prevail.

How to get back in

To ensure certainty before investing, a cautious approach would be to start with renting cards and calculating profits at the end of each season. This allows you to observe the market and how it performs. However, this approach may cause you to miss out on buying cheap cards when the market is at its lowest. It may be a good idea for the short term until the uncertainty settles down but have it at the back of your mind that this approach might cause you to miss some opportunities.

How about buying packs

the new Rebellion parks that are coming soon are the biggest thing right now in the game, These parks will soon be available for purchase at $4.00 or $5 per pack. In addition, we have the existing Chaos Legion Park, which is a great option for those looking for a cheaper alternative at only $1.00. While the Rebellion parks offer new game abilities to help you win, it's important to note that using Chaos Legion sets won't put you at a disadvantage. They're an affordable way to get into the game and still enjoy maximum rewards. Don't hesitate to try out Chaos Legion and see for yourself why it's such a popular choice for newbies.

Many people overlook the option of buying SPS because of its low cost, questioning the value of purchasing it instead of cards because you can use the card to mine sps. However, it is important to remember that SPS offers a very good APY, and owning a large number of SPS grants daily rewards and serves as an entry point into the game for those who do not wish to actively participate.


After exploring various options, I have decided to purchase individual cards from the Chaos Legion set. This will amount to approximately $1200 in total. I believe this purchase will be beneficial as it will enable me to max out the set and compete at the highest level in the league. Additionally, if I come across any cards that would enhance my deck, I will definitely consider purchasing them to increase my deck's strength and potentially earn more rewards.

I know doing this means I will also invest in sps, and I'm also considering it because sps is also a great buy now. I'm doing everything I can to exploit every opportunity in the market in the near market and see what the future holds in the bull market.

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Invest in what you understand.

Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That’s a great and bold move. I think at this point sps and other splinterlands assets are all up for grabs. I think starting with the Chaos Legion is no doubt the best place for any newbie. Many have left the game and I think the only way now is up.


Starting with Chaos Legion can be incredibly beneficial as it provides a solid foundation for personal growth and development. By beginning here, you can make changes and continue to develop yourself further.


That sounds like a.good strategy. Chaos Legion has many great cards to help you win.


Yeah and they are also very cheap now


Splinterlands is a tough game and I don't blame you for choosing Chaos Legion. I think it's the best choice for people and I am still trying to upgrade my deck in Chaos Legion or Riftwatchers. I still think I'll try to get in on the pre-sale later on if the packs are still available a few weeks from now. I want to have 100 packs or so because I want to at least have some of the cards even if they aren't fully leveled up.


Even at the moment, without SPS, it's difficult to get maximum rewards, so SPS is getting more relevant. As for me, I don't have the money to invest. I'll wait for the bull market, God willing, sell everything I have on splinterlands. Put the money in HBD, then begin to reinvest back when the bear market comes.


I love your idea, it is a good one and I might eventually do that


I have learned my lesson, this bull market I know splinterlands assets will skyrocket, so I'm keeping all my SPS and cards till then


I don't know what to do; maybe to buy now when it's cheap, or should I just hold my hive to the bull market and buy when everything is booming?


If you have some cash you can buy some rare cards, make research to see how much value these cards have lost in the bear market, this will enable you to know that these cards will go up in price during the bull market. But stay away from buying packs. Buy cards that are already known to retain Value.

In reality, you can do the two. Buy some cards now and sell them when they boom. Just spend a little hive, not much, this is because I still believe hive will surpass every asset in the ecosystem when the bull market comes. By this time next year, I strongly believe hive might be in that 1$ range, maybe you can wait till then to buy splinterlands asset. I feel splinterlands assets might still take up to January 2025 to begin to boom


you did the best thing buying the cards you need from the market because buying and opening of packs seems to come with losses.

welcome back to Splinterlands, have you joined a guild already? incase you need one, i can invite you to join a guild I manage
