Keep trying

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The truth is that nothing in this life is free, and the older you get, the more you realize how hard life is, especially if you don't have any support system. I've been at a stage where I don't even want to imagine my future just because it doesn't look bright. I was so scared to imagine it because nobody supported me. I was just living life day by day, hoping that I would see the breakthrough. Sometimes, we are all at this stage of uncertainty, thinking about where we will go next from here, and the more we think about it, the more scarier it becomes because we don't have an answer.

So many people are looking for an answer on how to save themselves financially. We have so many people looking for an answer about their health; we have people looking for an answer on where to go from here, is it the right thing to seek, or we should just keep trying? It is good to seek answers, but most people want the answer before they begin to do anything, and that is the mistake I made early in my life. I was waiting for the answer before I could take any step further, which made me stagnant for a while.

Why don't you keep believing in the unknown even without the answer

As a human being, we get tired easily and That is the main reason why people seek answers before they get to try is because they believe knowing the answer will be a source of motivation for them. Also, I'm referring to answers to knowing for sure that they will be successful in a certain field, but nothing is certain. That is why seeking an answer can be a waste of time. Even if you have a perfect plan about how you want to live your life, the situation might change. You might eventually get the same results, but it might be on a different path because the answer is not always what it seems on paper. Sometimes, you just have to keep going even when you don't understand what the future holds.

Most people who become so successful following their passion do not know the future, they just do what they love, and they let the uncertainty do its job. Sometimes, as humans, we just have to let our uncertainty work its magic because nobody knows tomorrow. When I look at my life four years ago and now, I realize that anybody's life can change in a minute, and what you're going through now does not define what you will become in the future. Anything can change at any time, that's why we must never give up and just keep trying, Whether we know the answer or not, whether it is certain or not, we should just keep trying and working hard.

Waiting won't do any Good

doing nothing and waiting for answers, reasons, or excuses, will not do us any good, we must never let fear of failing or waiting for a perfect time stop us from doing what could change our life, even if uncertainty clouds our future we must just keep trying and keep working hard for a better change. Whether we fail or lose, we owe it to ourselves, which is why we must keep trying, and if we fail, we become wiser, if we succeed We be happy and wiser through experience, you must never let anything stop you from going for your future even though it is not clear, never stop trying.

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Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Life is very hard to spend specially in these days, when everyone is struggling with food and water. But trying to get better is in our own hands, we must keep trying our best ❤️


I agree that people have to keep trying. Things might not always go the way you want but you can learn from each attempt. By doing so, you can improve and get to your goal eventually.


We really don't need to have all the answers before making a move because that rarely ever happens. In most cases, it's much better to put one step in front of the other and figure things out along the way. The answers will find us instead of just having to sit and wait for them.
