Just try.



One of my threads yesterday was talking about trial and error and how we can use it instead of experience but many people don't like it just because they thought it was too painful and it doesn't always give a good result at the end of the day and I understand where they are coming from but trail and error are just one of those tools we must have as a crypto investor.

Meme coins have taken the crypto world by surprise, proving to be a perfect example of the unpredictability of the market. Initially considered a joke by many, some people took the risk of testing it out. As a result, they were able to make 4000x their initial investment, allowing them to withdraw their money and become wealthy.

Those that invested their money in Meme coin just tried it out. There is no certainty. They took out a little portion of their money to try Meme coin and they became rich there. This is essential because you never know if a project might be the next big thing but all that it cost them was a small amount of money and courage to try.

It just another day

Most people when looking for their daily bread they are just trying and nothing is 100% certain. We try every day and believe it will get better from here and the same thing applies to crypto investors. They also try by investing in some projects and it might not work. You retry again, and you keep trying till you get it right.

The reality is there is nothing bad in trying because, till the day we die, we keep trying to get better and the day we stopped trying that's the day we fail. When you try something and it doesn't work, it might hurt you, but it's not the end of the world. you just have to keep going and keep trying.

It doesn't end

When you show up every day It's not as if you are certain that something good will happen, but you know within yourself that your efforts we had up one day, and you might get something from there. It's not bad to try because it makes us better, and it also improves our decision-making, trying determines our future and never stop for a man.

More from dwayne16

Instinct and knowledge the polar in making a financial decision

the impact of technology

do the extra work

Greed: the unsatisfied hunger for money

Is it stupidity or manipulation

Analyzing the market is good for everyone in crypto.

Invest in what you understand.

Thanks for your time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Surprisely, I wrote something about making trial in my post yesterday. We are often scared of going fort, or trying new things because of possible failure.

Some people just wan relax make other people go fail so that them fit learn from their mistake 😰.


Exactly, it is not as easy as it may sound because another person success doesn't guarantee success for us we have to do the work


but many people don't like it just because they thought it was too painful

my guess: ofc it is correct method, just one should 'divide right from wrong', I mean, folks should understand which cases are better to use this method, and when it would be more pain than bargain. smth like that. Oh, and have a !DHEDGE as an extra. 😎


Even if we want to use trial and error we should be able to identify amount of risk we are willing to make or better still to identy scenario to use use this metthod



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The aim is we should keep it going even though it might not be producing the result we desire


it all add up at some point, we should keep trying


I don't think anyone can avoid mistakes. So trying things out and learning from them is the way to go. I do agree that people don't like trying new things but things are always changing. So people need to adapt to the changes.
