Feedback and effort

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The fear of failure is often the reason why people are hesitant to start their own businesses. The risks involved can be intimidating, and the desire for guaranteed success can hold us back from taking that first step. However, it's important to remember that many successful business owners have failed multiple times before finding their footing. While it can be scary to try something new that involves risk or money, it's often those who are willing to take that chance that reap the greatest rewards.

Even when you advise people to try something new, people will tell you to try it before they can try it. Sometimes, all we need is a leap of faith to change our lives, and if you don't try something, how can you know it will work? The mistake people make is that because one of your friends is doing a particular thing, does not guarantee that when you do it, you will also succeed at it. Most people have not realized this, and that is why when your circle is not succeeding It is likely that you might fail because we are mostly driven by what is around us. Sometimes, we have a clear vision of an opportunity, but we are scared to take it, or we are scared of doing that thing because people around us are not even doing it. We are scared of facing the shame of failing to try something new.

Why do you try to get feedback.

When starting a new business venture, it's crucial not to rush into it. Instead of diving in headfirst, take the time to gradually ease into it so that you can gain a better understanding of the venture and receive feedback based on the little you've invested. Knowing when to hit the brakes and when to accelerate is key, just like in any other aspect of life. In business, perfection is not the goal; rather, it's all about customer satisfaction and learning how to serve them better. By perfecting your business, you can attract more customers and triple your initial investment. So, take the time to get it right, , and the rewards will follow.

Two sides

feedback can assist you with determining if what you are doing is correct or incorrect and guide how to improve. Positive feedback can indicate that you are on the right track and should continue to develop your business. However, negative feedback may mean that there is room for improvement. You can seek the opinions of those providing feedback to learn and enhance your abilities. Strive to do what is right and continually seek better ways to improve the business.

Just try

Just like I used to say in the past, it is always better to try than not do anything because if you don't try, you can never know maybe what you are thinking about can change your life or not, what differentiates most successful people and those who are not Sometimes it's just their ability to try something new because nobody knows maybe it'll work or not, but we can all try and from there we can get better at what we are doing.

Effort is a crucial component of success. By trying, we can accomplish anything and do so with integrity. This is particularly true when establishing a business or launching a new venture. Prioritizing constructive criticism over immediate financial gain can have a profound impact on our personal and professional growth. It is vital to acknowledge the strength of these principles and incorporate them into our daily routines.

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Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Yeah, one thing people don't know is that if you don't fail, you won't win. How do you expect to grow if you don't fail? Because, it is through failing that we learn and it is through learning that we grow.


Most people understand this. It's just the fear of failing That's what's stopping them from trying.


for me as developer it was not easy deal with one of the most hard feedbacks from a company that i would like join but after that feedback of 30 lines i will never wanna something about they, like says the companies are meat grinders


It takes time and learning from the failures is what leads you to success. It's just a part of life and I don't think things will always go according to plan.
