Failure and it ingredients

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As long as you are trying in this life, it is very certain you might not get it right every time. This means that sometimes you fail too, how you can handle your failure will determine how far you will go in life because failure is inevitable, and if you're scared to fail, what it only means is that you are not ready to do anything. Failure is one of those things that prepare you for success, and sometimes, if we don't fail it at all, it makes success look like a trick, or it might not let you even appreciate how successful you have become over the years because we did not fail at all.

Some people are not even scared to fail they are scared of the shame that comes with it, especially if you have people who have succeeded in the exact situation. You will be scared to fail because you won't want to be different, but the truth is sometimes we fail at what most people are getting right for so many reasons, it might be because of lack of concentration or we are not prepared like the remaining people, and sometimes you are just unlucky, and that's why we did not get it right once. Still, one thing we must all remember is that there is nothing bad in trying things twice.

When we attempt something repeatedly, we often face criticism and doubt. It can feel like we're wasting our precious time pursuing something that's never been done before. People might even label us as failures and call us names when we fail. However, if we persist and eventually succeed, our name may even enter the history books. It's not wrong to try something multiple times. The real mistake is giving up when we know we can succeed. We should focus on our goals and never let shame or failure deter us.

Often, uncertainty can make it difficult to stay committed, causing many individuals to quit. Rather than acknowledging their efforts as an attempt, they allow others to label it as a defeat, which can lead to the presumption of failure and a lack of clarity about the outcome. If progress is not evident, one may lose motivation and abandon their pursuit. Additionally, one's mindset plays a crucial role. It's important to have a positive outlook and communicate your intentions to help you stay focused on your goals.

Criticism and mindset the ingredients of failure

Failure emphasizes the importance of two things, criticism and mindset. If these two aspects are managed well, it can lead to success. However, some individuals may face repeated failures due to their inability to handle criticism or maintain a positive mindset. criticism can have a profound impact on our actions and can lead us to make poor decisions. Therefore, it is important to maintain a positive mindset and not let criticism affect us negatively.

Sometimes, people around us can help us block criticism and have a positive mindset, no matter how strong and how hard we are trying to block criticism and try to change our mindset If those we love do not support this right decision, it might be tough for us to succeed because it is easy to block criticism from the outside world. However, when people who are close to us join people who are criticizing us, it makes our mindset dwell in negativity and that is why we must have people with the same energy around us, and even when they want to correct us they should do it with understanding, not criticizing us because to defeat the ingredient of failure, we can't always do it ourselves.

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This is higher most of people that criticize us on something maybe jealous sometimes if we try to balance in people's minds can be lead to an other things let do things right to make everything perfect


It hurts when the people you believe start to turn on you. I do think the criticism is tough to deal with and sometimes it is unwarranted. I don't think there is much people can do about it but move on and learn from it if it is something you should change.


What I often appreciate about failure is that it helps put things into perspective, especially about our shortcomings and what we may need to work on. Criticism usually works best when we have an open or positive mindset to take in the feedback and process it.


Most people are afraid to fail because of the eyes that on them and the criticism that is waiting for them. If we could pay less attention to what people will say and focus on how to make it right then I believe that's a way of having positive mind.
