Don't argue

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I had a friend who loved to argue about everything, even when it wasn't necessary. His constant need to prove himself right was so frustrating that people started avoiding him altogether. He never acknowledged when he was wrong, which only made matters worse. It's unfortunate that some people enjoy arguing just for the sake of it. Arguing can sometimes lead to learning from the other person's perspective. However, if one argues without listening to the other person's viewpoint, it can come across as annoying.

argument comes in different forms, Sometimes, a simple argument can lead to a misunderstanding, especially between two people who have a lot of history between them. Arguments can bring back old wounds because when some people argue, they get emotional with it. this emotion that makes you think that the person you are arguing with must not win the argument. arguments are not bad when you can learn from each other and see things from each other's point of view, but arguments that come with emotion should be avoided completely.

Just shut up and control what you are about say

Arguments can often lead to the destruction of relationships, as people may struggle to control their emotions and end up saying or doing things that they later regret. For instance, imagine a scenario in which a businessman is trying to sell a product, but a potential buyer points out a flaw in the product. If the businessman becomes argumentative and responds with anger, this may turn off the potential buyer and prevent them from becoming a customer in the future. It's important to remain calm and composed during disagreements in order to avoid damaging relationships or losing important opportunities.

It's important to keep a level head when we feel like someone wants to argue with us. Instead of reacting impulsively, take a moment to compose yourself and consider your response carefully. If you feel yourself getting angry or upset, it's often best to stay quiet and address the issue when you've had time to calm down and think things through. If the situation is particularly complex, you can suggest rescheduling the conversation or asking for more time to formulate your thoughts. This way, you can avoid saying something you might regret later.

Sometimes it is better to say yes to let peace reign

When people try to argue with you and they are doing their best to prove you wrong, It is always better to say ‘yes’ to them to avoid any emotions or little things that you might regret but by simply saying ‘yes you are right’ you can keep the relationship, and we save you time. what some people don't know is that nobody wins an argument, and you cannot use an argument to stop an argument. It is essential to control our emotions where we want to argue, and we should make it our way that it's not everybody we argue with, there are some ‘yes you are right’ will do. so we can have peace of mind.

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Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


An argument can be healthy. However, when faced with someone who is condescending, or can't accept they're wrong, it's much better to just agree to disagree.

There will always be people who won't accept defeat. Usually I'd just back up and "find the agreeable" from their point of view and acknowledge it, instead of pointing out what I disagree on. Otherwise the conversation becomes a perpetual cycle of defense and offense.

Much compassion and love, thanks for your post! 🙏


I think arguing is fine but ignoring other people's view is never a good thing. It makes me remember how people don't like being told that they are wrong. At some point, I tend to just ignore them and move on though because they won't change their mind.


I think the moment we realize the argument is getting out of hand is the moment we should stop the argument and put it to rest. Some like the argue for the sake of arguing or to prove a point that we may not fundamentally agree me. For me, I think it's better to prove a point through actions than through words.
