RE: Vote Distribution on Hive. Voting on Comments.


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The lack of my sudden drop to engage with u was,

  1. I was busy in some hive work in backend so my engagement dropped

  2. I was curating in leo tag, you were a good leo author. Now since leo is more generalized, you are now competing with more author in leo curation category. I do remember that old days leo vote was a beast. And how can we forget that spt 25$ vote. Good old days. Now I am not too active in layer 2 curations from community accounts. Also, if u noticed I stopped using any tribe tag in my posts too.

If you are some internal from leo ladder then I am not aware of it. I just upvoted all those days to support good content. Now if u get any curations from my side it will be mostly in layer 1. For example hivepakistan. I will continue to support u just cause I like your writing style. I am a non native English speaker and you use plain and basic English. It doesn't give me a tough time just to understand you as an author.

We never talked off-topic, if it's something u don't want I can try to stick to main blog discussions only in future. :)


That's ok, we all have stuff to do that is not visible or maybe not even connected to Hive, so don't worry. I don't really keep track of who has been or who hasn't been upvoting me lately, but I guess like everyone, I do appreciate upvotes, lol. And thanks for the feedback on my content, it is helpful.

As for off-topic comments, I welcome them if they are likely to generate a conversation.
