RE: We Can't Hope to Attract a Bunch of New Users by Posting About Hive!

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Hey @evernoticethat!

Hivepakistan, loved what you did with that person. Not all Pakistanis are the same. Here's some Pakistani love in response to the trouble that some bad actor caused you.

Usually, we don't curate comments, but there are exceptions.


Thanks so much, and you're right of course, there are many good people from Pakistan and some of them live here in my area. That was a long time ago which is why I put question marks next to the country name as I'm reasonably sure he was from there but not 100% without searching through old records and emails from Blogger.

Note: I kept my criticisms MILD, because I didn't want any harm to come to him, I just wanted to get him to stop.

However, I was so despondent, that I left Blogger, and didn't return to blogging again until the arrival of Steemit, and only then after lurking for a year first. Thanks again. :)
