吃到飽限90分鐘合理嗎? / Is it reasonable to limit all-you-can-eat restaurants to 90 minutes?



我記得疫情前,幾乎每家吃到飽餐廳的用餐時間都是 120 分鐘,有少數可以超過 120 分鐘,和好友們邊品嚐美食,邊聊天,好不愜意,但今年幾乎每家吃到飽餐廳的用餐時間都是 90 分鐘,第一次被提醒 90 分鐘限制時,我就覺得訝異,果然,和朋友們吃得很匆忙,都沒有時間好好聊天,有很多的時間,花在排隊拿食物上,結帳後,我們還是找了一家咖啡店,坐下來,才能好好聊天敘舊,吃到飽餐廳的用餐體驗,不能說不好,但也說不上舒服,只能接受,這就是現狀。

前幾天,寫了一篇《久違的披薩吃到飽》,那家餐廳也是限時 90 分鐘,可以了解店家想拚翻桌率或節省成本,所以才有縮短用餐時間限制的做法,而網路上的網民們,也針對這現象做討論,有名網民在PTT飽板以「吃到飽火鍋90分鐘已經是趨勢了嗎?」為題發文,他表示最近有不少火鍋吃到飽餐廳吹起「用餐限時90分鐘」的風潮,讓他相當傻眼,認為用餐時間太短,不僅吃得很不舒服,連和朋友聊天的時間都沒有,更無法好好享受美食,直言「少那半小時其實很有感」,看到當下,我也有同感,貼文曝光後,也立刻引起其他網友們的共鳴,紛紛表示「90分鐘太趕」、「90分鐘真的不夠」。



不過,也有網友持不同看法,「韓式烤肉吃到飽,這種店我覺得吃90分鐘也差不多膩了」、「90分鐘對我跟老公來說蠻充裕的,通常都60分鐘就吃飽了,所以不會太在意」,比例上,九成以上的網民都是覺得90 分鐘是不夠的,我個人覺得,不是每個人都能吃到滿滿的 120 分鐘,假如店家能把選擇權交給顧客,有可能會贏得顧客的忠誠度,想拚翻桌率,可能會把老顧客或回頭客也拚掉了。



當然,也有反向操作的店家,像是我之前吃的狂一鍋,平日中午可以用餐到 180 分鐘,最狂的是肉多多火鍋,平日午餐時段可以用餐到 210 分鐘,可以吃完午餐在吃個下午茶,和好友聊天聊到沒話可說,當然,平日中午時段,用餐的人少,這些店家才能做這樣的操作,其實,我個人覺得,對於吃到飽餐廳而言,120 分鐘是個合理的用餐時間,您覺得呢?

PS: 因為吃到飽只有 90 分鐘,維護世界和平的超人、蝙蝠俠及神力女超人也吃的不開心,附上一些餐廳菜單範例,都寫明用餐限時 90 分鐘。

Taiwan is renowned for its culinary scene, offering a variety of local and international cuisines. All-you-can-eat restaurants are particularly popular, providing a chance for people to indulge in a wide array of dishes at a fixed price. Especially for students and those on a budget, these restaurants offer affordability, diverse choices, and social opportunities.

Before the pandemic, most all-you-can-eat restaurants allowed a generous dining time of 120 minutes, with a few even exceeding that limit. It was a leisurely experience, enjoying both the food and conversation with friends. However, this year, the dining time has been reduced to 90 minutes in almost every all-you-can-eat establishment. The first time I encountered this limit, I was surprised. Dining felt rushed, with little time for proper conversation. Much time was spent waiting in line for food, and after settling the bill, my friends and I had to find a café to sit down and chat comfortably. The dining experience at all-you-can-eat restaurants, while not unpleasant, is no longer as relaxed as before; it's something we've had to accept as the current norm.

I recently wrote about a pizza all-you-can-eat experience where the dining time was also limited to 90 minutes. It made me wonder if this trend of shortening dining times is becoming common among all-you-can-eat hot pot restaurants. Many people online have discussed this phenomenon, expressing disappointment at the shorter dining times. A prominent netizen on the PTT forum posted a topic asking, "Is the trend of 90-minute all-you-can-eat hot pot catching on?" He found it perplexing that many hot pot all-you-can-eat places are adopting this 90-minute limit, making the dining experience uncomfortable and limiting the time for both enjoying the food and chatting with friends. The sentiment was widely shared among other netizens, with many agreeing that 90 minutes is not enough.

However, there are differing opinions. Some argue that for certain all-you-can-eat places, like Korean BBQ, 90 minutes is sufficient, while others claim that 90 minutes is more than enough for them and their partners. Nevertheless, the majority of netizens seem to feel that 90 minutes is too short.

In my opinion, not everyone needs a full 120 minutes, and giving customers the option might build loyalty. Trying to maximize table turnover could potentially alienate regular or returning customers. Some restaurants, like the ones I've been to, offer extended dining times during off-peak hours, such as Crazy One Pot with 180 minutes for weekday lunches and Rododo Hot Pot with an impressive 210 minutes for weekday lunches. These restaurants can afford such practices due to lower customer volumes during those times. Ultimately, for all-you-can-eat restaurants, 120 minutes seems like a reasonable dining time. What do you think?

P.S.: Because all-you-can-eat is limited to 90 minutes, even superheroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman wouldn't be too happy. I'm attaching some restaurant menus, all of which clearly state the 90-minute dining limit.


第一次在泰国吃涮涮锅 90分钟


原來東南亞很多地方已經是限時 90 分鐘用餐時間,台灣好像是今年才比較多這樣的規定
現在我每次遇到,都覺得不合理,可能是我比較硬骨吧 😁
反正賠錢生意沒人做,店家要聯合起來欺負消費者的話,我們也不能乖乖的讓他們欺負啊 😁
