Sunday Reflections - Take Some Night Walks

The last 7 days I have been far from active on Hive... not only on Blogging, but I have missed playing Splinterlands and Rising Star Game too. My frequent health problem... well I do not like to call it desease... occured, making me hard to control my right hand. The pain was bearable but the frustation was not... Its very frustating when you have fingers that disobey you, or work not as you feel they should...

So when It got peaked 8-9 days ago, I chose something else to do. I read a Fitness Friday Challenge on 26th January 2024 edition here:

It's about walking... and somehow it reminded me of something I often did in the past... a Night Walk

So the last 7 days here I always take a night walk after dinner. Usually rheumatic causes me 2-3 weeks problem, but today my fingers are a lot better and I think I could start playing games normally again tomorrow

Not All Walk Are Exercises

First thing first, I am not a professional sport trainer, so do not take this post as a valid material for your study... However it could give you some sneak peek or insight first before you go deep dive on some more reliable website.

In term of walking, I do a lot of walk everyday. I work on several construction sites, each has their own obstacle and challenge.

let say exhibit 1, a building which I come here twice a week. Its hard to walk here, everything are wet screed cementious floor. on The dry one, we often see nails, screws, and many sharp object.

exhibit 2... it is safer to walk without thinking much about sharp object below your feet... however one wrong stepping, you will meet your ancestor.

exhibit 3.. a normal one, however clay and red soil are everywhere. You will get easily tired just by walking.

Whatever the terrain or location is, in the end my shoes will always be dirty and messy. So I have to bring a pair of walk shoes

So in the end I need to change my shoes in between working and traveling. Those long walks I do everyday should not be counted as any exercise... It does make me sweat a lot, but that not fitness or exercising because I do those not with the goals of getting healthy or making movement with proper posture.

All my walks on the site are full of awareness, of potential hazard, avoiding accident and supervising my workers so they follow the safety regulations and procedures. I tried to use actifit however the counter mostly did not work during my time on site. I realized my movement, whether its walking or climbing, make no big movement to be detected by phone as a walk.

Walk... Daylight vs Night

Whenever I talk to my friend, I always say that a night walk is different with some regular walk on daylight. What you do is the same, but the goals are different. A daylight walk is better in term of exercising. However for me, Night walk is good not as exercising, but its more like recreational stuff, things you do that will clear the clouds on your minds... reduce your stress level... help you easier to get good sleep.

There are people saying that night walk help you burnt more fat, good for weight loss management. I am kind of disagree with this. In my opinion you won't be able to burn fat as good as the daylight walk. If you run at night, or make some intense exercise on night, sometime it backlashes to you, making you harder to get sleep.

However I agree if people say this help you stabilize your metabolism. It is not for the weight loss thing, but making your body get proper exercise regularly.

Ok rather than talking too theoretically, lets keep this simple as what I do so I can share better about it.

1. Getting the Right Place

Not all place can be used for night walk. The one you should seek is a open space one, a good windy place, good lighting, good scenery and the most important thing is the safety and security.

Bottom line is that you feel comfortable around that place, then think about the safety... will people come and rob you? With proper street lighting and some securities around, it should be ok.

Oh don't forget, the place should have some good things to look at, good scenery, or anything, to help cleaning the clouds on your mind. For my case, I love staring at stars above

2. Getting the Right Timing

In my opinion, the best timing was 30 minutes before you get dinner. If you can not make it on that time, just do it 30 minutes after you have dinner. If it is too late, just do it barefoot in your house for 5-10 minutes

3. Proper Sport Attire

A sport bra and hot pants is a big no if you want to take a night walk. I know this sounds silly, but I did see a girl did a jogging at 20-21:00 with that kind of outfit. The goal of night walk is not to get sweat nor heavy exercising, so take any outfit that is comfortable but not too revealing.

ok that's for today post. I try not to blabbering to long here.

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