RE: Living the Illusion of Perfectionism.

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I liked the way you ended this, man

The thing is that we have conditioned by society to live a certain way and to aspire to be perceived a certain way. No one person created this standard. It is a collective effort of even you and I who might not like that the said standards exist.

Sure, showing weakness should be norm, but the same people that say it have a certain threshold of weakness they’re willing to empathize with. Anything beyond that, and they join the rest of society to beat and curse you back in line.


It's painful though. Not a lot of people thinks people should display weakness. But weakness is a emotional reaction to things we pass through and it's terrible to tell people that should not feel weakness when it's an emotional stress that people often need to release in other to heal.

Anything beyond that, and they join the rest of society to beat and curse you back in line.

I've had people staying that to me and calling it things like anxiety disorder, but then, when you've not seen pain it's easy to diagnose others with weakness.
