RE: The State Of BTC, Hive & HBD

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I think there’s even some profit to make in Trading Hive itself if you can do it right. Although, you stand the risk of selling and not being able to buy back at lower at some point, inevitably missing out on the potential profit of many Xs of what you’d been trading for.

HBD does seem like a better already to trade. The Peg makes it idea to always know if it’s oversold or overbought and take the right position. I’ve never traded HBD before (not talking about HBD to Hive trades) cos I don’t have any of the exchange account on which HBD is traded to USDT. I should probably get one now to take advantage of the occasional pumps.


If not for my health condition, I planned how to occasionally maximize HBD for more hive. There's a lot of prospect when one focuses on the trading aspect of it just like you've mentioned. Many people will miss the run because of not having a strategy
