Two types of wildflowers that bloom in summer


Hi guys,, Today I again discovered two types of wild flowers that grow in our plantation area, this is actually very special for me because I have the opportunity to encounter beautiful flowers in the middle of summer which is very difficult for wild plants to survive, but this is like a miracle of the universe which is intended for me, and of course finding two types of wildflowers today made my heart flutter and fill with love, I feel like a gentleman for having the opportunity to touch the natural beauty around me.

since January the lowlands in our city have been hit by the dry season, many wild plants have dried up and died due to the unfriendly hot weather, but I found this wild plant with beautiful flowers growing near the rice fields, so this plant has hope and opportunity to grow alive and blooming, as you have seen in the picture these two beautiful flowers have a different charm, even though they are both very small in size, they have their own charm and attraction, I never thought that you would turn away when you come across flowers as beautiful as It's all around you, I never thought like that, I believe with all my soul that you will come and pick some stalks especially in summer like now.

a wild plant with stems only as high as an adult's knee but has very beautiful flowers, apart from that these two plants also have different aromas, for the first plant the wild plant has a herbal aroma while the second wild plant has a bland aroma, which The point is that the universe never stops working to provide various beauties and uniqueness for humans, so if you ever find them growing in the bushes, never ignore them, believe that all the beauty that exists was created for you.

Thank you very much for reading, here are some photos of wild flowers that I have captured for you, see you in the next post 🥰
