Spinich flower with a unique appearance and at first glance looks like a cannabis flower

Hi everyone

every flower has its own uniqueness and beauty, it is not true if we say that only this flower and only that flower are beautiful, that is not true, because according to my professional view every flower must have a spectacular appeal that will make someone interested in approaching it, to be honest I've spent a lot of time observing flowers to answer my perplexity "why would someone like to look at flowers up close, and what flowers are the best?"

Do you know what answers I have found from my routine? it turns out that all flowers are beautiful and the best according to their respective characteristics, for example a rose is beautiful because it has a distinctive color and aroma and that you will find anyone who holds a rose will definitely smell it, so do orchids, and some flowers with a scent other characteristics, so every flower has a uniqueness that can attract someone's interest to approach it, we might say that flowers contain a strong magnetic field.

well,, now what about the spinach flowers that I share with you today? what makes him look unique to me? the simple answer that you can get from me is "the content of the seeds in the small pores of the flower", it made me very interested to see the amaranth flower from a close distance, I even almost drifted away in the uniqueness of the amaranth flower, I saw grains are neatly arranged naturally which roses don't have, so amaranth flowers in this case are more unique than roses, and it makes sense if I say that each flower must have its own uniqueness.

At first glance, the amaranth flower looks exactly like the cannabis flower, it's just that the difference is in the seeds, if the cannabis flower seeds are 1/2 the size of rice, then the amaranth flower seeds are very small and difficult to hold with two fingers, like holding the seeds of other plants in your hand. generally, while the shape and arrangement of flowers are exactly the same between the two, if you separate the seeds of each then some people who are not careful will say they are the same, so always be careful in countries where marijuana is banned, in fear you will be arrested for the wrong understand... hheee

okay, see you all in the next post, give me your comments or any kind of support to make my blog grow; i love you all
