Natural beauty "Euphorbia"


Hi everyone, are you aware that around you there are always various kinds of beauty that are available naturally, such as flower plants that grow abundantly, have beautiful flowers that can always spoil the eyes every time we look at them, and most people get simple motivation from things like this that can encourage them to preserve the universe, they always think that every human being is responsible for the survival of life on this planet, and yes, I agree with that thought, if this earth becomes barren I can't imagine what the next generation will say us about our insensitivity in maintaining the natural balance of this universe.

the little things we do in the environment around us will show our personality, if we always care about the environment then the environment will care about us, and we interpret this thought as "the law of attraction" and we also think that each of us should have the feeling of wanting to be one with nature, a simple example is that if we preserve nature then we are taking care of ourselves, and this thought will encourage us to be responsible for the environment around us, and to be honest we started from this thought which has been going on for years.

but so far we have only beautified the universe with several flower plants, for example as you have seen in the picture that I shared with you today, all of you must be very familiar with this type of flower plant, you are right this is "Euphorbia" or most people call it the “crown of thorns”, but not so much about the name because each flower petal has outshone everything else.

I planted this beautiful flower plant in my yard a year ago, and this plant has been flowering for some time. and yes, I am very happy when I see these beautiful flowers blooming, but if you want to plant a euphorbia in your yard, it is highly recommended that you plant it in a place out of reach of children, because all euphorbia stems have sharp spines. which can injure the skin, so be wise to plant this beautiful flower so that your family, especially your children, don't get problems from this plant.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog, I hope this post adds to your insight, see you in the next post 🥳🥳
