My Brief Hospital Experiences in times past (Week 69, Edition 2)



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Though i was once a hospital worker until the period of covid-19 in 2020 when new staff were temporarily relieved of their duties as part of safety precautionary measures. Ever since that moment, I can say that I've been to a hospital twice. My first visit was when i had a chronic malaria and typhoid fever. I was on hospital admission for the 3 days. Before that moment, I'd been noticing feverish symptoms, but it wasn't as chronic as it was when i was on admission.

Early 2021 was another moment i visited a hospital. My neighbour's wife got delivered of a bouncy baby boy after being on labour for 3 days in the labour room. She had to undergo a cesarean section to deliver the baby boy. Before then, we were scared that we might lose her. Thank God she survived. The experience her husband went through confirmed that "being a man is never a day job." He husband had already lost hope that his wife would make it out of the labour room. It was more scary than what we expected it could be. The delivery woman on the sickbay was looking like someone who might not survive the next 30 minutes. She was really a strong woman, but she couldn't push through and was rather aided through the cesarean section to give birth to the baby boy. The tension was very much as we thought we've losed her at a certain point of the treatment. We were glad to meet her alive, safe and sound.

Hospitals have really been of help to many, which include myself. I wondered where i should have been if i wasn't administered qualitative treatment to the fever i had. It was sort of a fever that drugs could hardly cure. I used a series of antimalarial and anti-typhoid drugs, but none worked. I was given oral drip for 3 days with food and drugs to hasten my recovery, and it worked out well for me.

My pregnant neighbour's survival was a testimony I'll always appreciate. The role of hospitals is vital to humanity at large. Many lives have been saved, and many are in sound health due to the aid of hospitals far and around us. Doctors and health workers need to be appreciated for their good work because without them, many people alive today would have been dead by now. Indeed, "Health is wealth."

Years ago, i did go with a group on visitations to hospitals and clinics to check on the welfare of sick patients and pray with them, but it's been over 4years i did that. I feel so glad and fulfilled when touching the lives of people, especially the less privileged. I'll like to resume that aspect again by God's grace.

Hope you pick something from my experience. I'll like to know yours as well too. This is my entry to the weekly featured content of week 69 edition 2. For first timers and newbies, kindly join the discord group and follow the procedures to participate in this challenge.

Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful moment


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