Introducing Buttcoin, finally your (cigarette) butt will have a purpose


Introducing Buttcoin, finally your (cigarette) butt will have a purpose

I think it is high time for some more lighthearted news. So when I checked my local news I was elated to find the story for Buttcoin. And I felt it was my civic duty to share it with you all, seeing that this will likely fly under the radar if not shared. Oh, and smoking is bad for you so don't.

Introducing Buttcoin

The Swedish city of Malmö has introduced Buttcoin locally to encourage smokers from just throwing their cigarette butts all over the place like a lazy entitled a-hole would do. This Buttcoin is a way to encourage smokers to instead throw away the cigarette butts where they should be thrown. The city has put up special "Ash Trading Points" where people now can throw away their cigarette butts, and get some sweet $BUTT in return.

Scan the ash trading points QR code

In order for you to get some $BUTT, at least that's the shorthand I would use for it so I am going with it. All you have to do is scan the QR code on the ash trading point and then take a picture of you throwing the butt away. Each butt thrown away, and documented properly, will allow you to mine 800 $BUTT. This means it only takes 1,250 cutts to become a butt millionaire. I bet some places would be ecstatic to see that on your CV.

And in case you have not yet figured out the clever wordplay that is behind the name it is butt, like in butt. No not the thing you sit on too much. But, no not that one either, the thing you end up with after smoking a cigarette. That butt. Sadly tho this is actually not a proper crypto, in fact, it is not even a "shitcoin" despite the name and all. Butt he more I think about it I think it is a missed opportunity. They could have easily given you 1 crackcoin, no not the type that's illegal but the type the plumbers like to show off, for every 2 buttcoin. And they should have made Crackcoin a propper cryptocurrency with absolutely no purpose at all, aka a true shitcoin in every way. And I won't go into more detail about it, I will just do like the plumbers, leave it out there for everyone to enjoy.

Mine your $BUTT

Butt I still think it is a nice idea, and I do like how they are flirting with crypto. I mean you even have to mine them to get them. And in case you are wondering, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for us crypto enthusiasts. The person with the biggest $BUTT amount actually will winsome $ETH. And according to the project's website, there will be things during the campaign you can trade your $BUTTs in for.

In case you think the 800 number seems a bit random. I actually think they are being a bit clever here as well. Because it is actually illegal to just throw away your butts on the ground. It will land you an 800 sek, or Swedish kronor, fine if you get caught. For you everywhere else, that is about $80 in fines, per butt. Or should that be pair butt instead? I am mixing up my butt metaphors, looks like I dove in too deep here on this one so I will end it.

I hope that you found this post to at least brighten your day if only for a little while. Butt remember, whenever you want to be happy in the future, all you have to do is think of the Swedish Buttcoin. ^^ And as always the comment section is all yours, but try and keep it PG13 at least. ;)

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iits interesting but at the same time i cant help but feel bad for the smokers, imagine being among the top buttcoin holder because of the number of cigarrate butts you had, at this point they should reevaluate their smoking decision as smoking is extremely bad for you.


Yes, but on the other hand, if they are not giving the health risk any thought by now. The ods are probably greater they just think its cool to have a ton of Buttcoins ^^
