RE: From a Cautious Minnow to a Singing Dolphin


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Well done! It's always nice to hit big landmarks, which is what becoming a Dolphin certainly is. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how much you can grow once you get a decent stack of HP working for you. The first 5000HP is the hardest. The next 5k is a little easier. The key is to keep engaging and using your voting power every day. Writing articles will speed up the process, but voting and commenting is still the best way to grow in my opinion. It's something you can do consistently every day without having to think too hard. Plus, it's helping the community grow as a whole so not only are you growing, but you're helping others grow as well.

It took me about 6 years to reach Orca, although I basically dropped out during the whole forking fiasco. So realistically, it probably was closer to four years. I wrote a few articles and bought some along the way, but mostly it's been about showing up every day, commenting and curating, and getting my votes in. It's one of the great things about Hive. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to succeed here. You just have to be willing to consistently engage and the results will come.

Congrats again, and good luck with the climb up the ranks. :-)


The next 5k is a little easier. The key is to keep engaging and using your voting power every day. Writing articles will speed up the process, but voting and commenting is still the best way to grow in my opinion. It's something you can do consistently every day without having to think too hard. Plus, it's helping the community grow as a whole so not only are you growing, but you're helping others grow as well.

Yes, writing an article isn't easy, not unless it's just 100 words. I do upvote at least 10x every day and comment on posts when I stumble upon something relatable to me.

Thanks for the above insight and reminder. They are helpful.
