RE: A Harbinger of Privacy Erosion and the Age of AI

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Other anxieties aside, the piece of "friction" I keep running into in this whole ballgame is this subtext that automation and AI will (allegedly) be part of what brings us into an age of great prosperity.

But only half the equation actually works: AI/Automation is reducing the cost of production of many things, and that will have an exponential impact in the decades to some. The half the doesn't seem to work is that the sellers of these AI-assisted products/services can now produce their "thing" for 70% less than they used to... but their prices just went up another 20%... ..."because, inflation." Meanwhile... automation is replacing more and more jobs, but people are expected to have the money to buy those 20% more expensive goods. From where I am sitting, that spells "prosperity" for a tiny number of people, and eventual destitution for everyone else.
