Charlotte Sweet & Coffee a place to enjoy [Eng-Esp]

My visit to this coffee-loving community is fundamental, because we always appreciate the best of this beverage, which is accompanied by happy moments with family or friends. It is important now in my blog to leave a record of special moments like this one.

Charlotte Sweet & Coffee in La Viña, Valencia is the closest and the largest of these places, where the attention is of excellence because that makes us continue to choose it even over other places, because there they fulfill the variety of orders with great detail.

My best company is still my family where the youngest of the house prefers chocolate, that's how he gets a smile on his face just knowing the reward for fulfilling his school, sports and musical duties.

When the chocolate cheesecake arrives, he models with his order, he is always the most cheerful of all, so he conquers our hearts.

Something that is always requested, is my coffee, that is not negotiable with anything, because a conversation, a dinner or simply a happy family moment is best enjoyed with a delicious hot traditional coffee.

The different orders are brought to the table, now we only have to wait for the young man to place the requests one by one, they really serve you here with love and patience.

If it is a dessert or a dinner, the presentation and the taste will always make us come back for more, some are concerned about diet or tastes, the truth is the important thing is to be happy, to have a good attitude towards life.

While I drink this coffee I am planning with my family, the visit to Caracas to the great meeting of Hivers at national and international level, missing so few days and finally I could finally arrange lodging and transportation, so I hope to meet many of you in the CARACAS BLOCKCHAIM WEEK.

The truth is that this dinner between sandwiches and hamburger was delicious, the ingredient that can not miss is the chips and ketchup.

Thanks to all of you for allowing me to share a little more of my coffee lifestyle in our community, because Hive is part of my life.

ESPAÑOL (click here!)

Mí visita a esta comunidad amante del café es fundamental, porque siempre apreciamos lo mejor de esta bebida, la cual viene acompañada de momentos felices, con familia o amigos es importante ahora en mi blog dejar un registros de momentos especiales como este.

Charlotte Sweet & Coffee en la Viña, Valencia es el más cercano y el más grande de estos locales, dónde la atención es de excelencia porque eso hace que lo sigamos escogiendo aún por encima de otros lugares, pues allí complacen la variedad de pedidos con gran detalle.

Mi mejor compañía sigue siendo mi familia donde el más pequeño de la casa prefiere el chocolate, es así como se le dibuja una sonrisa tan solo saber el premio por cumplir con sus labores escolares, deportivas y las musicales.

Al llegar el cheesecake de chocolate modela com su pedido, es siempre es más alegre de todos, así conquista nuestros corazones.

Algo que siempre se pide, es mi café, eso no se negocia con nada, pues una conversación, una cena o simplemente un momento feliz y en familia se disfruta más con un rico café tradicional bien caliente.

Los diferentes pedidos se acerca a la mesa, ahora solo debemos esperar que el joven, vaya colocando uno a uno las solicitudes, de verdad que atienden a uno aquí con amor y paciencia.

Si es un postre o una cena, la presentación y el sabor harán que siempre regresemos por más, unos se preocupan por la dieta o por los gustos, la verdad lo importante es ser feliz, tener una buen actitud frente a la vida.

Mientras me tomo este café me planifico junto a mi familia, la visita a Caracas al Gran encuentro de Hivers a nivel Nacional e internacional, faltando tan pocos días ya al fin pude concretar el hospedaje y transporte, así que espero conocer a muchos de ustedes en la CARACAS BLOCKCHAIM WEEK.

Lo cierto es que está cena entre sandwiches y hamburguesa estuvo deliciosa, el ingrediente que no puede faltar son la papitas fritas y salsa de tomate.

Gracias a todos por permitirme compartir un poco más de mi estilo de vida cafetero en nuestra comunidad, porque Hive forma parte de mi vida.

The photos are my own, taken with the NOTE INFINITY 30 PRO phone, it is important to add the use of Canvas to edit the cover and the banner.

Las fotos son propias, tomadas con el teléfono NOTE INFINITY 30 PRO, es importante añadir el uso de Canvas para editar la portada y el banner.

This story is original created by @crisch23, exclusively on hive in the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community, deepl was used as translator.

Esta historia es original creada por @crisch23, exclusivamente en hive en la comunidad de Cinnamon Cup Coffee, se usó deepl como traductor.


It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976


I like to enjoy many delicious moments with coffee and family.


Me encantó este post porque además de una invitación a comer y tomar café dices cosas con las que estoy plem¡namente de acuerdo, pero lo que mñs me gustó fue ese recordatorio permanente de estar en estos lugares con la familia.
Es cierto que debemos preocuparnos por la dieta, pero debemos ocuparnos de ser felices. Esta es una manera de serlo.
Feliz jornada

I loved this post because in addition to an invitation to eat and drink coffee you say things that I agree with, but what I liked the most was that permanent reminder to be in these places with the family.
It is true that we should be concerned about diet, but we should be concerned about being happy. This is one way to be happy.
Happy journey
Cheers and greetings
Salud y saludos


What better way to enjoy than together and at the beginning it is not easy to make this kind of meetings because the younger ones do not want to stop doing their things but the priority is the family, and over time they have become accustomed to this time of coffee together.


Absolutely agree with you. That is the best way to cultivate love and family unity. Cheers and best regards.


I came just being curious to find out how you like to take your coffee and I came across a meal and dessert as well haha. Those desserts look amazing. That picture next to the sandwich, what is it? some kind of crepes with ice cream?I'm a big fan of cheesecakes and that one looks unbeatable. Uff may you continue enjoying such delicious treats.

Yo venía por curiosidad a ver cómo te gustaba tomar el café y encuentro con comida y postre además jajaja. Es que esos postres se ven increíbles. Esa foto que está al lado del sandwich, ¿qué es?¿una especie de crepes con helado?. Yo soy muy fan de las tortas de queso y esa tiene una pinta insuperable. Uff que sigas disfrutando de momentos así de ricos.


I ordered the peach waffle and it had the a ball of ice cream with a topping of almond with caramel.It also contained some slices of peaches on the sides.


Soy fans de tomar cafe con pan y ese tiene una pinta increible amiga, ojala pronto podamos compartir un rico café y reir y reir jeje je


I would like to see you in Caracas, it's been more than a year since we met here, I think we owe each other a good coffee.


That chocolate cake looks delicious. It's nice for the family to gather around a delicious dessert accompanied by sublime coffee. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

I leave you a delicious cup of coffee ☕

Good day
