Oh My! What Was I Thinking?


When In The Course Of Human Events . . .

Things can get a little crazy! lol

We like to think we are the masters of our own destiny. Nice thought, but hardly reality. To paraphrase someone much smarter than me, "we are but pawns in a chess game with the Universe".

When I got on the plane in Denver, Colorado, I had HUGE plans for what I would do when I got here. About that . . .

The Best Laid Plans Of Man . . .

Often look/sound amazing until . . . they don't! Lol

As I mentioned in the last post, a plan can seem really good, like the original one for the hog barn. But once implemented, you see the faults. So you regroup, reevaluate, redo. When the universe throws a curve ball, knock that sucker out of the park!

So here I am, 3-weeks later, working on New plans. Yes, I am still working towards the same goals I had before, those haven't diametrically changed, but with a better view of reality as it is now. The past is behind us, focus 4 the future! (I may have done a few seminars about that! Lol)

Making Progress? One can but try . . .

The new addition is coming along.


And my next steps are taking shape. These will be more flexible, as I hope I have learned at least a small lesson from all this. Time will tell.

Meanwhile In Issan . . .

We had visitors on the farm today from Bangkok. They joined us for breakfast and then walked around taking some goodies home. A few random photos of the day.






Thanks for joining my day, and ramblings, in Issan. Life here can be whatever you make it to be. I hope you enjoy my little slice of it.

Best Regards

Richard Taylor

"The only limits you have are those you impose upon yourself. Remove the limits!"
