I Made a Very Missed Portuguese Recipe


I woke up this morning thinking of my mom and this plate she used to make for me when I was growing up. The dish I thought about we call in Portuguese is feijoada in translation I guess it would be a bean stew. I did a google translate lol.

This is what I started with:


What is it?

  • White dried kidney beans
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Chourico Picante (spicy sausage) I prefer the portuguese chourico picante
  • Potatoes
  • Elbow pasta
  • Tomato sauce/paste (not the italian tomato sauce).
  • Pimenta moida (pepper sauce) I make my own and I think thats how we say it in english pepper sauce?
  • And that unhealthy but loving salt


I started off with filling my pot with water, I added the beans, onion, and garlic and brought that to a boil. ALl the beans are in the bottom and the onion floated to the top, garlic is somewhere in there.


Here is the boil and I got to cover it up. And let that cook for a good 1 hour and 1/2.


Now I added the chourico, potatoes, salt and pimenta moida, ok recipe asked for 1 tablespoon I put 2 tablespoons. Yes, I like thing spicy. Now I brought it back to a biol and covered it and let it continue to cook for another 30 minutes.


Hey what happen to my elbow pasta? I put it in there and went to put the bowl I had in sink and turned around and pasta is all gone into the stew. Let bring that to a boil again, cover it, and another 30 minute


There my elbow pasta. All I did here was add that tomato sauce, and some salt for taste stirred it a bit, and shut off the stove. Let it sit for about 10 minutes. Give it another stir, and...


VIOLA! Done and ready to eat. It was so good I had 2 plates. Not as good as my mothers but good enough for a hungry man.

Guess what I am having for lunch tomorrow? Left overs. Can't wait.
