The next LEO steps


This post can also be read in Portuguese

We are very close to witnessing another major development in the LEO ecosystem. Everyone knows that LeoFinance is currently working on several projects at the same time and some of them were created from scratch. This requires dedication and time needed before launch.

It is very likely that you, like me, are watching for an ad to be posted to the @leofinance account. Yes, we recently had some news and interesting things to have a north to understand where LEO will go. All the details can be found here.

The LEO team has always made clear its intention to contribute so that we could have a way to bring a massive migration to Hive, through LeoInfra and its previous versions, it was already possible to create an account at with just a few clicks.


Anyone who has been around for years knows very well how complex it was to create an account. My first attempt myself was not so lucky and I lost my keys before saving lol ... Yes, @coyotelation would not be my main name here, but fate wanted it that way and I am pleased to know me by that name.

With MetaMask or a Twitter account, any user has the ease and simplicity of creating an account. The numbers are very much and are growing. If we look better, more and more accounts are being created every month. February is expected to be a month with the highest rate of accounts created, around 20%.



The curious thing is that February is a month with only 28 days, it will be interesting to see what March will be like because it contains more days for the report. Well, the bold and interesting intention of Khal and his team is to attract the masses and LeoInfra V3 will be responsible for this.

They aim to bring in 1 million new real users. How will it be possible? In this new version, anyone will be able to create an account via Facebook, Google or by email. To be honest, we know that it is quite common today to have one of these accounts and that will make it even easier that we will be able to attract the masses.

That is why it is very important that we lions continue with our mission to promote LeoFinance and also Hive as the whole ecosystem with the other second tier communities benefits. The activity on Twitter by the hivers is admirable. Today it is possible to identify some accounts that were created from this social network.

1 million real accounts benefiting from several existing projects on this blockchain, this will be something very big. Over time, it will become increasingly possible to reach this expressive number with the implementation of the various projects to come. Who today would not want to use social media and at the same time be able to make financial gains?

LeoFi is coming



With the success we are seeing with DeFi and the implementation of wLEO, it would only be a matter of time before LeoFinance could participate in the "party". LeoFi will be one of the projects that will have a lot of focus. To get an idea, 3 developers were hired to dedicate to LeoFi.

The LeoFi panel is doing really well and we've talked about it a few times. The first LeoFi application will be a leasing application for LEO Hodlers. We will introduce additional applications to the panel that allow for a wider range of DeFi applications for LEO / WLEO / BLEO.


I am very anxious for the launch of LeoFi with the addition of bLEO, as everyone knows about the high gas rates that the ETH platform has. Many investors are looking for other alternatives and today, fortunately, they already exist. When launching a new application in the Binance Smart Chain in the future, it will undoubtedly attract the attention of new investors and I am preparing for it and will finally enter this new concept of DeFi.

Well, did you get here hoping to find out about airdrop and ProjectBlank? Well, know that the dates are closer than we imagine and it will not be months or weeks, but days. Hold on to your anxiety a little longer, as it is likely that next week we will have great news being presented.

Anyone who is active on Twitter has noticed some LeoFinance clues as to what will come in the next few days. The future promises to be very interesting for all lions.

As I practically lost the LEO airdrop when PAL holders benefited, I had almost no tokens. But now I'm really looking forward to this big airdrop, but know that it won't be the last one, the more they will come in time so the more LEO you stack, the better it will be for your account, for your future.

LeoFinance is giving us a chance to one day say that we really changed our lives for the better through cryptomeodas. Don't let this opportunity slip out of your hands.


Versão em português

Estamos bem próximos de presenciar mais um grande desenvolvimento no ecossistema LEO. Todos sabem de que a LeoFinance está atualmente trabalhando em vários projetos ao mesmo tempo e alguns deles foram criados do zero. Isso requer dedicação e tempo necessário antes do lançamento.

É bem provável que você assim como eu, está atento para algum anúncio ser postado na conta @leofinance. Sim, recentemente tivemos algumas novidades e coisas interessantes para termos um norte para entender para onde LEO irá. Todos os detalhes poderá encontrar aqui.

A equipe LEO sempre deixou claro sua intenção de contribuir para que pudéssemos ter uma forma de trazer uma migração em massa para o Hive, através do LeoInfra e suas versões anteriores, já era possível criar uma conta na com apenas alguns cliques.

Quem está por aqui há anos, sabe muito bem quão complexo era para se criar uma conta. Eu mesmo a minha primeira tentativa não tive tanta sorte e perdi minhas chaves antes de salvar lol... Sim, @coyotelation não seria meu nome principal aqui, mas o destino quis assim e estou satisfeito por me conhecerem por esse nome.

Com o MetaMask ou um conta do Twitter, qualquer usuário tem a facilidade e simplicidade de criar uma conta. Os números são muito e estão em uma crescente. Se observarmos melhor, a cada mês mais e mais contas sendo criadas. A expectativa é que fevereiro seja um mês com a maior taxa de contas criadas, cerca de 20%.

O curioso é que fevereiro é um mês com apenas 28 dias, será interessante ver como março será por conter mais dias para o relatório. Bem, a ousada e interessante intenção de Khal e sua equipe é de atrair as massas e LeoInfra V3 será o responsável por isso.

Eles pretendem conseguir trazer 1 milhão de novos usuários reais. Como será possível? Nesta nova versão, será possível qualquer pessoa criar uma conta pelo Facebook, Google ou por um email. Sendo bem sincero, sabemos que é bastante comum hoje ter uma dessas contas e isso irá facilitar ainda mais que conseguiremos atrair as massas.

Por isso é bastante importante que nós leões continuemos com a nossa missão de promover LeoFinance e também Hive pois todo o ecossistema com as outras comunidades de segunda camada se beneficiam. As atividades no Twitter pelos hivers é admirável. Hoje é possível identificar algumas contas que foram criadas a partir dessa rede social.

1 milhão de contas reais se beneficiando de vários projetos existentes neste blockchain, isso será algo muito grande. Com o passar do tempo, se tornará cada vez mais possível chegar nesse expressivo número com a implementação dos diversos projetos que virão. Quem hoje não gostaria de utilizar uma mídia social e ao mesmo tempo poder ter ganhos financeiros?

LeoFi está vindo

Com o devido sucesso que estamos vendo com DeFi e com a implementação do wLEO, seria apenas questão tempo para que LeoFinance pudesse participar da "festa". O LeoFi será um dos projetos que terão bastante foco. Para ter uma ideia, foram contratados 3 desenvolvedores para dedicarem a ao LeoFi.

O painel da LeoFi está indo muito bem e já falamos sobre isso algumas vezes. A primeira aplicação do LeoFi será um aplicativo de leasing para LEO Hodlers. Apresentaremos aplicativos adicionais ao painel que permitem uma variedade maior de aplicativos DeFi para LEO / WLEO / BLEO.

Estou muito ansioso pelo lançamento do LeoFi com a adição ao bLEO, pois todos sabem das altas taxas de Gas que a plataforma ETH possui. Muitos investidores estão buscando outras alternativas e hoje felizmente já existem. Ao lançarno futuro um novo aplicativo na Binance Smart Chain, sem dúvidas atrairá a atenção de novos investidores e eu estou me preparando para isso e finalmente entrarei nesse novo conceito de DeFi.

Bem, você chegou até aqui na esperança de saber sobre airdrop e ProjectBlank? Bem, saiba que as datas estão mais próximas que imaginamos e não será meses e nem semanas, mas dias. Aguente mais um pouco a sua ansiedade, pois bem provável que semana que vem teremos grandes novidades sendo apresentadas.

Quem é ativo no Twitter, percebeu algumas pistas da LeoFinance para o que virá nos próximos dias. O futuro promete ser muito interessante para todos os leões.

Como eu praticamente perdi o airdrop LEO quando foram beneficiados os detentores de PAL, eu não tinha quase nenhum token. Mas agora estou bastante ansioso por esse grande airdrop, mas saiba que não será o ultimo, mais virão com o tempo então quanto mais LEO empilhar, melhor será para a sua conta, para o seu futuro.

LeoFinance está nos possibilitando uma chance para um dia dizer que mudamos realmente de vida para melhor através das criptomeodas. Não deixe essa oportunidade escapar de suas mãos.


Thanks for reading so far. If you liked it, give that strength with your upvote and rate me. Feel free to leave a comment .Thanks guys!


LOGO coy hive.png


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is great to hear from you that leofinance is improving really fast ⏩


Now we can only hope for the better while expecting the best.
Hopefully, all Leo's projects will be implemented one after the other.
And making it possible for people to register via Facebook, Google would be the best thing that can happen to hive ecosystem.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, I remember very well how it was the process to create a Hive account, it was very complex and will soon be just a few clicks. It is a great evolution and nowadays anyone has a Google or Facebook account.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, you are right.
Those two are always easily available.
We hope for the best

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


They aim to bring in 1 million new real users

This is going to be amazing...
The team is working hard ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It will be incredible even because it is a very bold number, but at the same time possible to achieve. The future will be excellent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well said, sorry to hear about losing your keys in the past. This week will level the playing field and make that all back for you (and more hopefully!) Great positivity in your words, let's all look forward to it together!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you, luckily I have this account I'm writing.

The future will be incredible in the Hive ecosystem. Let's look forward to exciting days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The LEO team is tireless. Their desire to make everything work is incredible!

Great post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, I really admire that about them too. The guys don't stop and when we think everything is "normal", suddenly they announce another news lol

Thank you friend :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am very excited about the work that has been done and is currently ongoing with LEO Finance. The entire HIVE Blockchain Network has benefited, but I state the obvious.


Though not at the level of LION yet, I believe I may soon get there. I believe I am considered a PUMA right now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am also very confident that they will be incredible projects when they are launched. This will greatly help Hive blockchain to grow further and attract many more new users. We need it!

I am sure that you will reach Lion status. It is to follow your active and consistent journey. Well, I'm sure you know that and you'll be an excellent one when that day comes. Success on your journey!

Lets grow together!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
